Latest Research
Corrigendum to 'Identifying Personal and Social Drivers of Dietary Patterns: An Agent-Based Model of Dutch Consumer Behavior', Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation, 27 (1) 4, 2024
Natalie Davis, Brian Dermody, Mark Koetse and George van Voorn [In Press]
Editorial Note: We Need to Recognise That Peer Review is Central to the 'Social Contract' of Academic Citizenship
Flaminio Squazzoni
Behavioral Dynamics of Epidemic Trajectories and Vaccination Strategies: A Simulation-Based Analysis
Ziyuan Zhang, Mohammad S. Jalali and Navid Ghaffarzadegan
Integrating Agent-Based and Compartmental Models for Infectious Disease Modeling: A Novel Hybrid Approach
Inan Bostanci and Tim Conrad
Using Agent-Based Modelling and Reinforcement Learning to Study Hybrid Threats
Kärt Padur, Hervé Borrion and Stephen Hailes
An Empirical and Simulation Investigation of Bounded Confidence and Negative Influence in Opinion Dynamics Using Stochastic Actor-Oriented Model
Tanzhe Tang, Tom Snijders and Andreas Flache
HUMAT: An Integrated Framework for Modelling Individual Motivations, Social Exchange and Network Dynamics
Wander Jager, Patrycja Antosz, Loes Bouman, Teng Li, J. Gareth Polhill, Timo Szczepanska and Shaoni Wang