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Martin Meister

Martin Meister is scientific co-ordinator for innovation studies at the centre for society and technology at Technical University Berlin. As a member of the sociology department of Technical University Berlin he worked for five years in the Socionics program. He studied in Munich and Frankfurt/M. Current research interests include sociology of hybrid constellations, science and technology studies, sociology of social networks, and innovation studies.

Hardenbergstr. 36A
Sekr. P 2-2

Email: meister@ztg.tu-berlin.de
Web: http://www.ztg.tu-berlin.de/Martin_Meister.html

Kay Schr�ter

Kay Schröter received his diploma in computer science from Humboldt-Universit�t zu Berlin, Germany. From 1999 to 2005 he worked as a graduate research assistant at the Artificial Intelligence Group of Humboldt-Universit�t zu Berlin. His research interests include agent oriented technologies and case based reasoning. Since 2002 he has been involved in the socionics project. Now he works for a private company.

Artificial Intelligence
Department of Computer Science
Humboldt-Universit�t zu Berlin
Unter den Linden 6
10099 Berlin

Diemo Urbig

Diemo Urbig received diploma degrees in management and in computer science, both from Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. He got a scholarship by the German National Academic Foundation (Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes). From 2002 to 2006 he worked at the artificial intelligence group at Humboldt-Universität. Since 2004 he has been involved as doctoral student and since end of 2006 he has been a research associate at the School of Business and Economics at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. In his doctoral thesis he deals with behavioural and experimental economics, specifically with cognitive biases in entrepreneurial decisions and in social learning scenarios.

Institute for Entrepreneurial Studies and Innovation Managment
School of Business and Economics
Humboldt-Universit�t zu Berlin
Unter den Linden 6
10099 Berlin

Email: diemo.urbig@urbig.org
Web: http://www.urbig.org

Eric Lettkemann

Eric Lettkemann is working as a research assistant at the Institute for Sociology at Technical University Berlin. He studied sociology, modern history, and history of science and technology at the Technical University of Berlin, and completed his M.A. degree in July 2004. He worked as student and, from August 2004 until February 2005, as a graduate research assistant in the Socionics program.

Franklinstr. 28/29 FR 2-5

Email: eric.lettkemann@tu-berlin.de

Hans-Dieter Burkhard

Hans-Dieter Burkhard is head of the Artificial Intelligence group in the Institute of Informatics at Humboldt University Berlin. He has studied Mathematics in Jena and Berlin, and he has worked on Automata Theory, Petri Nets, Distributed Systems, VLSI Diagnosis, Artificial Intelligence, Socionics, and Cognitive Robotics. He is fellow of the ECCAI and Vicepresident of the RoboCup Federation.

Artificial Intelligence
Department of Computer Science
Humboldt-Universit�t zu Berlin
Unter den Linden 6
10099 Berlin

Email: hdb@informatik.hu-berlin.de
Web: http://www.informatik.hu-berlin.de/~hdb/

Werner Rammert

Werner Rammert is head of the Socionics and of the Technology Studies Group in the Institute of Sociology at the Technical University of Berlin. He has studied Sociology at Bochum, Bielefeld and Northwestern University (Ill.). He has worked on the social dynamics of science and technology, work and organization. He co-founded the German 'Socionics'-program and the yearbooks 'Technology and Society'. His main interests are now the sociology of hybrid systems, a theory of distributed agency in socio-technical constellations, and comparative studies of innovation regimes.

Franklinstr. 28/29 FR 2-5

Email: werner.rammert@tu-berlin.de
Web: http://www.tu-berlin.de/~soziologie/Crew/rammert/


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