Klaus Jaffe and Roberto Cipriani (2007)
Culture Outsmarts Nature in the Evolution of Cooperation
Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation
vol. 10, no. 1
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Received: 09-Apr-2006 Accepted: 16-Nov-2006 Published: 31-Jan-2007
Table 1: Average proportion of collaborators (co), competing against non collaborators (nco) and free riders (fr), resulting from scenarios in which cooperation has no cost to co, and genetic and non genetic information is transmitted from parents to offspring and from peers to peers with different mechanisms: G, vertical transmission of information using genes; H, horizontal transmission of non genetic information; C, horizontal and vertical transmission of non genetic information; and Control runs, in which transmission of information never occurs. All standard deviations are smaller than 1.5%. Selection settings: p0n = pnco = 0.5 and p2n = p1n = 0.1. Shuffling: agent's locations were randomly swapped; Heredity: the proportion of newborn is the same as that of the surviving parents in previous time step. Without heredity, rco, rnco, and rfr = 0.5. | ||||
Exp. | Scenarios | Shuffling | Heredity | Proportion of co |
1 | G | Y | Y | 1.00 |
co vs nco | H | Y | N | 0.99 |
C | Y | Y | 1.00 | |
Control | Y | N | 0.88 | |
2 | G | N | Y | 1.00 |
co vs nco | H | N | N | 0.98 |
C | N | Y | 1.00 | |
Control | N | N | 0.89 | |
3 | G | Y | Y | 0 or 1 |
co vs fr | H | Y | N | 0.99 |
C | Y | Y | 1.00 | |
Control | Y | N | 0.50 | |
4 | G | N | Y | 1.00 |
co vs fr | H | N | N | 0.94 |
C | N | Y | 1.00 | |
Control | N | N | 0.52 | |
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Figure 1. Average proportion of collaborators (co), competing against non collaborators (nco) and free riders (fr), resulting from scenarios in which cooperation had a cost on co, and information was transmitted using different mechanisms: G, vertical transmission of information using genes, large white circles; H, horizontal transmission of non genetic information, white squares; C, horizontal and vertical transmission of non genetic information, small black circles; and Control, without transmission of information, white triangles. A. co vs. nco with random shuffling of agent's locations; B. co vs. nco without random shuffling; C. co vs. fr with random shuffling. The proportion of co under G oscillated between 0 and 1 (not shown); D. co vs. fr without random shuffling. All standard deviations are smaller than 1.5%. Selection settings: p0n = pnco = 0.5 and p2n = p1n = 0.1. Costs on cooperators: mco = 0, 0.1, 0.2, ..., 0.9, 1 and mnco = mfr = 0. |
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Figure 2. Range of cooperation costs in which the dominance in populations switched from collaborators to competing strategies in G and C, under different values of selection against grouping agents. Experiments simulate collaborators (co) competing against non collaborators (nco) and free riders (fr) under two different scenarios: G, vertical transmission of information using genes, gray bars; C, horizontal and vertical transmission of non genetic information, black bars. A. co vs. nco with random shuffling of agent's locations; B. co vs. nco without random shuffling; C. co vs. fr with random shuffling; D. co vs. fr without random shuffling. Selection settings: p0n = pnco = 0.2, 0.3, &hellip, 0.9 and p2n = p1n = 0.1. Costs on cooperators: mco = 0, 0.1, 0.2, …, 0.9, 1 and mnco = mfr = 0. |
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Figure 3. Average proportion of collaborators (co), competing against non collaborators (nco) and free riders (fr), resulting from scenarios in which cooperation had a cost on co, and information was transmitted using different mechanisms: H, horizontal transmission of non genetic information, squares; Control, without transmission of information, triangles. A. co vs. nco with random shuffling of agent's locations; B. co vs. nco without random shuffling; C. co vs. fr with random shuffling; D. co vs. fr without random shuffling. All standard deviations are smaller than 1.5%. Fitness advantages for cooperation: Low selection: p0n = pnco = 0.2 and p2n = p1n = 0.1, white symbols; High selection p0n = pnco = 0.9 and p2n = p1n = 0.1, black symbols. Costs on cooperators: mco = 0, 0.1, 0.2, ..., 0.9, 1 and mnco = mfr = 0. |
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Figure 4. Schematic representation of scenarios linked to cultural evolution, C and H, allowing collaborators (co) to dominate populations at cooperation costs higher than those allowed by the scenario representing biological evolution, G. Darkened areas represent the cost differential attributed to cultural evolution that benefits the dominance of co. The lower limits of darkened areas are the co values resulting from control runs. Bars at the bottom of each plot show the extent of costs along which different scenarios allow co to become the dominant strategy. G, vertical transmission of information using genes, gray; C, horizontal and vertical transmission of non genetic information, dark gray; H, horizontal transmission of non genetic information, black. A. co competing against non collaborators (nco) without random shuffling of agent's locations, under an intermediate fitness advantage for grouping or intermediate selection (e.g., p0n = pnco = 0.5) on agents that do not form groups; B. co competing against free riders (fr) without random shuffling, under a strong selection (e.g., p0n = pnco = 0.9) on agents that do not form groups. Costs on cooperators: mco = 0, 0.1, 0.2, …, 0.9, 1 and mnco = mfr = 0. |
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