J. Gary Polhill, Edoardo Pignotti, Nicholas M. Gotts, Pete Edwards and Alun Preece (2007)
A Semantic Grid Service for Experimentation with an Agent-Based Model of Land-Use Change
Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation
vol. 10, no. 2, 2
For information about citing this article, click here
Received: 01-Sep-2006 Accepted: 20-Nov-2006 Published: 31-Mar-2007
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Figure 1. The FEARLUS model |
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Figure 2. The FEARLUS-G experimentation ontology. (© 2005 IEEE; Reproduced from Pignotti et al. (2005a) with permission.) |
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Figure 3. The FEARLUS-G service architecture |
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Figure 4. The FEARLUS-G workflow and (in blue) the facilities provided by the Semantic Grid. (© 2005 IEEE; Reproduced from Pignotti et al. (2005a) with permission.) |
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Figure 5. Browsing a completed experiment |
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Figure 6. Creating a new experiment to run |
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Figure 7. Editing a parameter file |
Not all categories of users require access to the same meta-data. For example, we have exposed FEARLUS model parameters to land-use scientists familiar with the existing FEARLUS application in such a way that the complexity of the Grid services is hidden to them. For this reason we provide, together with the desktop application, a web application (My Workspace) which allows users to access and manipulate low-level simulation model parameters needed to run a FEARLUS experiment. However, we also need to provide high-level data to promote accessibility to the wider scientific community. For this reason we also provide access to our public interface where resources contain high-level generic properties (e.g. describedIn, agreesWithHypothesis, hasDescription).
2 RDF stands for Resource Description Framework. See http://www.w3.org/RDF/
4 http://protege.stanford.edu/
6 The next deployed version of the system is expected to use Globus Toolkit 4.
7 http://www-unix.globus.org/toolkit/docs/3.2/security.html
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