Xiaoguang Gong and Renbin Xiao (2007)
Research on Multi-Agent Simulation of Epidemic News Spread Characteristics
Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation
vol. 10, no. 3 1
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Received: 22-Feb-2006 Accepted: 13-Mar-2007 Published: 30-Jun-2007
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Figure 1. The description of the spread process of epidemic and epidemic news |
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Figure 2. The organization of the model of multi-agent simulation of ENS |
Table 1: The attributes and default values of the circumstance agent class | |||
Attributes | Data Types | Default values | Explanations |
NBAF | real | 3 | The number of the initial infected spread agents |
BegainRange | real | 80 | The radius of spread of the initial infected agents |
NIFT | real | 0 | The number of the infected agents |
BegainCentreY | real | 0 | The Y-coordinate value of the spread circle center of the initial infected agents |
BegainCentreX | real | 0 | The X-coordinate value of the spread circle center of the initial infected agents |
NHED | real | 0 | The number of the agents who have heard of epidemic news directly, excluding the infected agents |
NHEN | real | 0 | The number of the agents who have heard of epidemic news, including the infected agents |
NUHD | real | 0 | The number of the agents unheard of epidemic news |
NFEN | real | 0 | The number of the agents who have forgotten epidemic news |
TimeBegin | real | 0.00001 | The delay time to make some agents infected after the simulation begins |
Table 2: The attributes and default values of the spread agent class | |||
Attributes | Data Types | Default values | Explanations |
TrustRate | real | uniform (0.01, 0.5) | the degree of trust in epidemic news when the agent heard epidemic news indirectly |
ContactRange | real | uniform (600) | Communication radius of the agent |
InfectRange | real | 9 | Infecting range radius of the infecting circle range |
InfectRate | real | 0.5 | Contagious probability in the infecting circle range |
KnowRange | real | 21 | Circle range of an infected agent known by other agents |
isListened | boolean | false | Whether heard epidemic news or not |
NumDistred | real | 0 | Number of objects spreaded out from the agent |
TgetNews | real | -1 | Time when heard of epidemic news |
NumContact | real | uniform (0, 10) | The number of social relationships of a spread agent |
Newgetnews | boolean | false | Whether hear the epidemic news newly or not |
Tmoved | real | -1 | The begin time of the last movement |
OldY | real | uniform (600) | Y-coordinate value of the agent position at the beginning |
OldX | real | uniform (600) | X-coordinate value of the agent position at the beginning |
color | Color | Color.light gray | Be used to mark agents' state |
y | real | uniform (600) | Recent Y-coordinate value of the agent position |
x | real | uniform (600) | Recent X-coordinate value of the agent position |
TimePinkDist | real | uniform (0.01, 0.5) | The delay time to spread epidemic news after the agent heard epidemic news directly |
TimeInfectDis | real | uniform (0.01, 0.2) | The delay time to spread epidemic news after the agent found himself infected |
TimeInfect | real | uniform (1, 4) | The delay time to be found infected |
TimeKnow | real | uniform (0.02, 1) | The delay time to be known by the agent around the infected agent |
TimeBlueDist | real | uniform (0.02, 1) | The delay time to spread epidemic news after the agent heard epidemic news indirectly |
TimeMove | real | uniform (0.5, 4 ) | The time interval between movements |
TimeForget | real | uniform (2, 6 ) | The time span to forget the epidemic news |
Model | Main | (Main)getOwner() | A reference of the container object (circumstance agent) |
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Figure 3. The state change and behavior of spread agents |
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Figure 4. Runtime state of the model of multi-agent simulation of ENS[1] |
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Figure 5. The influence of 'NumContact' on NHEN [2] |
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Figure 6. The influence of 'NumContact' on RHEI |
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Figure 7. The influence of 'TrustRate' on NHEN |
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Figure 8. The influence of 'TrustRate' on RHEI |
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Figure 9. The influence of 'InfectRange' on NIFT |
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Figure 10. The influence of 'InfectRange' on RHEI |
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Figure 11. The influence of 'InfectRange' on NHEN |
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Figure 12. The influence of 'NumContact' on NFEN |
2 Anylogic™ gets statistic variables' values of all changes of simulation time points and simulation events, and the original simulation data exceed 150000 groups, which goes beyond the capacity of one sheet with maximum capacity of 65536 groups in Microsoft Excel. So we developed a program to get simulation statistic data of an interval time of 0.01 day and export the new data to Microsoft Excel for analysis.
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// timeout is "TimeInfectDis" // the infected agent spread out the rumor if (color == Color.red) { for( int i=0; i< model.people.size() && numdistred<=NumContact; i++ ) { person p = Model.people.item(uniform_discr( Model.people.size() - 1 )); if( distance( p.x, p.y ) <= ContactRange) { NumDistred++; if( p.color==Color.lightGray ) { p.StateTrans.fireEvent( "unknowntoknow" ); // state change (3) } if(p.color==Color.blue ) { p.StateTrans.fireEvent( "listoknow" ); // state change (6) } }; }; }; Model.setModified();
// timeout is "TimeKnow" // their neighhour find the infected fact if (color == Color.red ) { for( int i=0; i< model.people.size() ; i++ ) { person p = Model.people.item(i); if(distance( p.x, p.y )<= KnowRange) { if(p.color==Color.blue) { p.StateTrans.fireEvent("listoknow"); // state change (6) }else if( p.color==Color.lightGray ) { p.StateTrans.fireEvent("unknowntoknow"); // state change (3) } }; } }; Model.setModified();
// timeout is "TimeInfect" // the infect process if (color == Color.red ) { for( int i=0; i< model.people.size() ; i++ ) { person p = Model.people.item(i); if((distance( p.x, p.y )<= InfectRange) && (uniform ()<=InfectRate)) { if (p.color==Color.lightGray) { p.StateTrans.fireEvent("unknowntoinfect"); // state change (4) }else if (p.color==Color.pink) { p.StateTrans.fireEvent("knowtoinfect"); // state change (7) }else if (p.color==Color.blue) { p.StateTrans.fireEvent("listoinfect"); // state change (5) } } } };Java source code for [4]
// timeout is "TimePinkDist" Model.setModified(); //the agent heard rumor directly spread out the rumor if (color == Color.pink) { for( int i=0; i< model.people.size() && numdistred<=NumContact; i++ ) { person p = Model.people.item(uniform_discr( Model.people.size() - 1 )); if( distance( p.x, p.y ) <= ContactRange) { NumDistred++; if( p.color==Color.lightGray ) { p.StateTrans.fireEvent( "tolis" ); // state change (2) }; if(p.color==Color.blue ) { p.NewgetRumor= true; p.TgetNews=getTime(); }; }; }; };
// timeout is "TimeBlueDist" Model.setModified(); //the agent heard rumor indirectly will spread out the rumor if ((color == Color.blue) && (NewgetRumor==true)) { NewgetRumor=false; int k=0; for( int i=0; i< model.people.size(); i++ ) { if ( numdistred<=NumContact && k <= NumContact * TrustRate) { Person p = Model.people.item(uniform_discr( Model.people.size() - 1 )); if( distance( p.x, p.y ) <= ContactRange ) { k++; NumDistred++; if( p.color==Color.lightGray ) { p.StateTrans.fireEvent( "tolis" ); // state change (2) } if(p.color==Color.blue ) { p.NewgetRumor=true; p.TgetNews=getTime(); } } } } }; Model.setModified();
Entry action Model.NHEN++; isListened=true; Model.setModified(); Forgeted = false; Exit action Model.NHEN--; Model.setModified();
Model.NUHE++; //Model.NHEN++; Model.setModified(); isListened=false; color=Color.lightGray; Exit action Model.NUHE--; Model.setModified();
Model.NHEN++; isListened=true; Model.NIFT++; Model.setModified(); Exit action //Model.NHEN--; Model.NIFT--; Model.setModified();
Entry action Model.NHEN++; isListened=true; Model.NHED++; Model.setModified(); Exit action Model.setModified(); Model.NHED--; Model.NHEN--;
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