Minh Nguyen-Duc and Alexis Drogoul (2007)
Using Computational Agents to Design Participatory Social Simulations
Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation
vol. 10, no. 4 5
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Received: 02-Dec-2006 Accepted: 01-Feb-2007 Published: 31-Oct-2007
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Figure 1. Log of a dialogue between an assistant agent and a flow manager |
Table 1: Experiment sessions for collecting "logs of actor behaviours." | ||||
Session | Peak hour | Aircraft to handle | Predicted situation (corresponding to a combined synchronization solution) | Actor group |
1 | 09:41:40 - 25/06/2003 | DLH4260, BER2576, MSK20N | FAMC_YELLOW_1, FAMC_ORANGE_2_1, FAMC_RED_1_10 | No. 1 |
2 | 09:41:40 - 25/06/2003 | DLH4260, BER2576, MSK20N | FAMC_YELLOW_1, FAMC_ORANGE_2_1, FAMC_RED_1_10 | No. 2 |
3 | 09:41:40 - 25/06/2003 | DLH4260, BER2576, MSK20N | FAMC_YELLOW_1, FAMC_ORANGE_2_1, FAMC_RED_1_10 | No. 3 |
4 | 09:41:40 - 25/06/2003 | AFR1205, AZA365, TRA1493 | FAMC_BLUE_1_1, FAMC_RED_1_8, FAMC_ORANGE_2_2 | No. 1 |
5 | 09:41:40 - 25/06/2003 | AFR1205, AZA365, TRA1493 | FAMC_BLUE_1_1, FAMC_RED_1_8, FAMC_ORANGE_2_2 | No. 2 |
6 | 09:41:40 - 25/06/2003 | AFR1205, AZA365, TRA1493 | FAMC_BLUE_1_1, FAMC_RED_1_8, FAMC_ORANGE_2_2 | No. 3 |
7 | 09:41:40 - 25/06/2003 | HHI2252, CRL523, AZA365 | FAMC_YELLOW_2, FAMC_BLUE_1_2, FAMC_RED_1_12 | No. 1 |
8 | 09:41:40 - 25/06/2003 | HHI2252, CRL523, AZA365 | FAMC_YELLOW_2, FAMC_BLUE_1_2, FAMC_RED_1_12 | No. 2 |
9 | 09:41:40 - 25/06/2003 | HHI2252, CRL523, AZA365 | FAMC_YELLOW_2, FAMC_BLUE_1_2, FAMC_RED_1_12 | No. 3 |
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(a) | (b) |
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(c) | (d) |
Figure 2. Quantitative results. (a) Diversity of the actors' perceptions. (b) Average diversity of the actors' perceptions. (c) Diversity of the actors' decisions. (d) Average diversity of the actors' decisions |
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Figure 3. Four-step PSS design |
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Figure 4. Examples of "frame task" and "(sub-)session purpose" used in an air traffic management simulation |
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Figure 5. Distributed role-playing game |
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Figure 6. User interface of SimCafé, a game that simulates a coffee market (Guyot and Drogoul 2005) |
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Figure 7. Example of extracted behaviour in the form of a Q program (Guyot 2003) |
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(a) | (b) |
Figure 8. Multi-agent participatory simulation: the agents play the game (a) without actors or (b) together with the actors |
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Figure 9. Behaviour refinement through actor-agent interactions |
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(a) | (b) |
Figure 10.Examples taken from an interaction session between an actor (flow manager) and her/his assistant. (a) Suggestion of the assistant with justification. (b) Question of the assistant on the amendment and answer of the actor |
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