Shah Jamal Alam, Ruth Meyer, Gina Ziervogel and Scott Moss (2007)
The Impact of HIV/AIDS in the Context of Socioeconomic Stressors: an Evidence-Driven Approach
Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation
vol. 10, no. 4 7
For information about citing this article, click here
Received: 01-Mar-2007 Accepted: 18-May-2007 Published: 31-Oct-2007
Table 1: Agent's characteristics | |
Attribute | Possible values |
Gender | Female; male |
Age Group | Child [0-16); adult [16-45); senior [45-onwards) years |
Health Status | Well/ok; HIV/AIDS; old-age sickness; disabled |
Life Expectancy | Sampled from Normal Distribution with values of mean expected age (56 years) and standard deviation (10 years), as abstracted from the demographic data. |
Hunger Status | Fully-fed; half-fed; not-fed |
HIV/AIDS Incidence (t: year) ← Gamma (alpha, beta) |
where the distribution parameter values for alpha and beta used in the reported simulation runs are 12 and 1.25 respectively. The values are taken from Salomon et al. (2000) based on their study in the region.
Village-labour-income ← Normal (100, 25) |
The values have been found plausible from the anecdotal accounts only. Use of the normal distribution is an otherwise unvalidated model's assumption.
Table 2: Available grants | |
Grant Type | Specification |
Child Support Grant | For children under the age of 7. |
Disability Grant | For adults suffering from HIV/AIDS. Not all qualifying adults apply for this grant as there is a social stigma when an individual is known to be infected. |
Old-age Pension | Seniors may receive this grant from the age of 55 for women and the age of 60 for men. |
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Birth Possible ← If (mother is well or HIV+ and fertility exists) and at least one year passed since last birth) |
Table 3: Outline of the main flow of a simulation run in the model. Pseudocode for the procedures which have not been discussed in this section are presented in the appendices B and C | |
Initialization: 1. Set a proportion {parameter} of adult male agents on migration //Mostly, adult agents go on migration 2. Assign a proportion {parameter} of households to members of randomly chosen funeral clubs Main Schedule: Runs for n time steps. 1. For each agent ∈ Agents call agent.step (current_time) //agent's step function //Introduce HIV incidence to uninfected agents in the population. 2. call HIV_Incidence (current_time) 3. purgeDeadAgents() //remove all dead agents 4. call allocate_grants_to_eligible_agents () 5. For each household ∈ Households_with_no_Guardians //accommodate dependents of dissolved household call purgeHouseholds () 6.i. If ((there exists a couple in a household) and (can afford a new house)) call create_new_household (couple) 6.ii. For each household ∈ Households For each couple ∈ household If (couple.birth_Possible()) Call create_child_agent (current_time) 7. For each household ∈ Household call household.step (current_time) //household's step function 8.i. For each stokvel ∈ Stokvels //(savings clubs) call stokvel.step() //savings club rotation 8.ii. For each club ∈ Funeral_Clubs call club.step() //give money to requesting households 9. If (Marriage_Probability) //find random male and female from two different households //and create new couple. call marriage () 10. End |
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Figure 1. Example of a social neighbourhood space of the village households in the model. The blue squares indicate households that have accommodated members of dissolved households |
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Figure 2. Example of the adult agents' friend network |
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Figure 3. Snapshots of the savings club memberships |
If (there are children in the household) AND (household members are hungry) AND (household can afford travel expenditure) Then (decide to migrate) |
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Figure 4. Two examples of an extended family network at the start of a simulation run: (left) when households build links purely on the basis of marriages during the simulation; (right) random initial assignment of households in moieties |
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Figure 5. Accommodation of dissolved households in five different settings |
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Figure 6. Effect of HIV/AIDS incidence and migration on the age of household heads |
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Figure 7. Sample of the 20 simulation runs within the same scenario showing the variability in the number of savings clubs formed over time |
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Figure 8. Time series of agents migrating and agents going hungry during the simulated runs |
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Figure 9. Contributions of child grants and old-age pensions to the households' accumulated income, for 100 households. X-axis: time in months, y-axis: percentage of households |
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Figure 10. Contributions of child grants and old-age pensions to the households' accumulated income, for 100 households. X-axis: time in months, y-axis: percentage of households |
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Figure 11. Percentage of agents not fully-fed with prevalence of HIV/AIDS, for old state grant values and the latest grant values from the 2007 budget |
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Figure 12. Percentage of agents not fully-fed without HIV/AIDS, for old state grant values and the latest grant values from the 2007 budget |
2 CAVES (Complexity, Agents, Volatility, Evidence and Scale):
3 RADAR: "Rural AIDS and Development Action Research programme comprises clinical and social intervention research on HIV/AIDS, with an emphasis on developing model approaches that are appropriate and relevant to the rural African context. It is founded on the premise that the HIV epidemic is rooted in biological, behavioural and social processes—reflecting complex and dynamic relationships within countries and between them. Generating an effective response will therefore require a similar diversity of strategies at the level of individuals and populations. RADAR is based in the Limpopo (formerly Northern) Province of South Africa at the Health Systems Development Unit. The programme is a collaboration between the School of Public Health at the University of the Witwatersrand and the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine."
4 Repast Agent Simulation Toolkit:
5 Java Expert System Shell:
6 Pajek (Program for Large Network Analysis):
7 see e.g. AVERT (AIDS & HIV Charity)
8 Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)
9 The idea of 'facilitators' was introduced in the model in order to represent individuals who possess higher coordinating skills and thus play the role in kick-starting stokvels in the model.
10 Our choice of 100 households is because it approximates a village's population in the region.
11 A re-wiring probability of 0.2 results in a low clustering coefficient score and a low average path length. Thanks to the anonymous referee for pointing this out.
12 South Africa budget 2007:
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//probability that an adult HIV/AID agent gets this grant DISABILITY_GRANT_PROBABILITY = 0.10 PENSION_AGE_FEMALE = 55 years PENSION_AGE_MALE = 60 years //the following is same for both female and male agents in the model MEAN_LIFE_EXPECTANCY = 75 years STANDARD_DEVIATION_LIFE_EXPECTANCY = 5 years //Households initialized with wealth chosen randomly from this range: MIN_STARTING_WEALTH = 500 Rand MAX_STARTING_WEALTH = 1500 Rand FUNERAL_CLUB_FEE = 250 Rand //this is for an adult agent MIN_MONEY_TO_FEED = 45 Rand MAX_MONEY_TO_FEED = 65 Rand //Grant values: DISABILITY = 300 Rand PENSION_GRANT = 560 Rand CHILD_GRANT = 125 Rand ORPHAN_GRANT = 175 Rand MARRIAGE_AGE_UPPER_LIMIT = 45 years //Remittance value of the migrant agents chosen from Normal distribution MEAN = 200 Rand; STD_DEV = 50 Rand //the 'grace period' for the number of months a household might benefit from a funeral club without being able to paying the dues FUNERALCLUB_GRACE = 6 months //HIV-infected agents' health starts to deteriorate only after some time //could be 6 months - 4 years depending upon the nature of the HIV variant //we have kept it fixed. INFECTED_LAG = 18 months //the birth rate is 0.3 per person-year in many of the most affected BIRTH_PROBABILITY = 0.25 //cost for funeral / burial ... can be as high as 5000 Rand FUNERAL_COST = 2500 Rand PROPORTION_OF_FACILITATORS_AT_START = 20% MINIMUM_MEMBERS_REQUIRED_FOR_SAVINGS_CLUB = 5 HEALTH_EXPENDITURE_FOR_SINGLE_AGENT = 100 Rand
Table B1: Pseudocode for initiating and joining a savings club and the schedule | |
Assumptions: 1. Only women household heads join the savings club (stokvel). 2. Some agents are facilitators ≤ MAX_FACILITATORS: having, e.g. able to stimulate creating a club etc. Savings Clubs (Stokvels) Creation Schedule: 1. For all facilitator ∈ Facilitators | isHouseholdHead (facilitator) ∧ joinClub (facilitator) a. For each agent ∈ Agents | isHouseholdHead(agent) ∧ {facilitator.Friend(agent) ∨ facilitator.neighbor(agent)} b. sendInvitation(facilitator, agent) 2. For each agent ∈ Agents | isHouseholdHead(agent) a. handleInvitation(sender); where sender is the facilitator b. If (invitation-accepted) sendAcceptance(agent, sender); else sendRejection(agent, sender) 3. For each facilitator ∈ Facilitators |isHouseholdHead(facilitator) If (#acceptances ≥ MIN_CLUB_SIZE) create new savings club handleInvitation: on receiving the invitation from an facilitator agent to join a new savings club If {(joinClub(facilitator) ∧ !memberSavings) sendAcceptance; Else sendRejection joinClub: a household head agent's decision to join a savings club or not; If (household wealth ≥ SAVINGS_CLUB_FEE) join club Savings Club Rotation Schedule: 1. For each member ∈ Members of the club a. If {isDead(member) ∨ isPulledOut(member) remove member b. If { not (|Members| ≥ MIN_CLUB_SIZE) } finish club c. amount ← amount + member's contribution 2. next candidate gets the lump sum amount |
Table B2: Pseudocode for the funeral club methods | |
Joining and paying the contributions at a funeral club: 1. A Household joins when there is an adult bereavement due to HIV/AIDS; membership is permanent. 2. Dues (set fixed) are paid monthly. In case of consecutive default for 'n' months, aid is not given. Funeral Club Schedule: 1. Receive request for payment from members. 2. If possible, pay all requesting members the funeral cost Else distribute the available funds equally. |
Table C1: Estimated energy requirements expressed as a percent of Adult Male. Calculated based on a Tsimane' body weight data, and the FAO/WHO/UNU (1985) equations for estimating energy needs | |||||||
Sex/: Value | Adults (18-59 yr) | 0-2 yr | 3-5yr | 6-9 yr | 10-13 yr | 14-17 yr | Elderly (60+ yr) |
Males/% of adult male | 100 | 33 | 48 | 64 | 74 | 87 | 62 |
Females: % of adult female | 75 | 35 | 53 | 53 | 66 | 70 | 57 |
Process: Agent's step function (Agent: agent) If (agent is a year older at current tick) Then update agent's age call update_health_status(agent) If (agent is not dead) If (fit_for_labour(agent)) If (should_migrate) Then set_migrated(agent) Else If (gets_village_labour) Then set_onLabour(agent) If (last_try_to_join_stokval > 6 months) Then try_join_stokvel End Process: Updating agent's health status (Agent: agent) If (health_status is HIV) AND (time_since_infected ≥ infected_lag) Then fast-decay (health); using sigmoid curve Else If (agent is old) If (health-count is Weak) Then set health_status ← old-age-sickness else set health_status ← disabled else if (agent is adult) or (agent is child) if (health-count is weak) then set health_status ← illness end Process: feeding household agents (agent: household head) for all agents on labour or migration set feed-status ← full-fed ;now for the rest of the household for all agents currently in the household ;maize price is set to be 3rand/kg; 10kg assumed for adult male/month food-requirement ← add (agent(food-requirement * maize-price)) if ((can_afford (food-requirement) and (not member-funeral-club) or ((member-funeral-club) and (can_afford (food-requirement and funeral-club-fee))) set feed-status ← full-fed else if ((member-funeral-club) and (food-requirement + funeral-club-fee ≥ household-wealth)) for all child agents in the household set feed-status ← full-fed for all other agents in the household if (can_afford 'half-feeding' for all) set feed-status ← half-fed else to agents as possible: set feed-status ← half-fed to the rest: set feed-status ← not-fed end Process: borrow food (agent: adult hungry agent) for all agents in the friendship-network if (ask (friend) and friend.can_feed(agent) set feed-status ← half-fed ;procedure: can_feed (agent: borrower) if house.haswealth ;lend money to half-feed the borrower agent then feed (borrower, half-fed) end Process: fertility criteria (agent: adult female; current_tick) ; this is an abstract implementation pre-condition: got infected from hiv at time: infected_tick time-difference ← current_tick - infected_tick if (time-difference less than 2.5 years) then return (chance for fertility: 100%) else if (time-difference less than 5 years and greater than 2.5 years) then return (chance for fertility: 75%) else if (time-difference less than 7.5 years and greater than 5 years) then return (chance for fertility: 55%) else return (chance for fertility: 40%) end Process: fit_for_labour (agent: agent; current_tick: return boolean) ;this rule is based on an arbitrary assumption if ((agent is old and health_status is not hiv) or ((health_status is hiv) and (time since hiv infection less than infected_lag)) then return true else return false end Process: household step function (household: household) for all agents in the household update_cash_in_hand(receive_income(agent)) ; deduct household's wealth for food expenditure call feed_members call deduct_health_expenditure ; for funeral clubs and stokvels if it is a member call deduct clubs_fees end Process: deduct health expenditure (household: household; current_tick) for all agents in the household if ((health_staus: hiv and time since hiv infection greater than infected_lag) or (health_status is illness or old-age-sickness)) call deduct_wealth(health_expenditure) end Process: Deduct funeral cost (Household: household; is_Bereaved: true) ; This is an arbitrary assumption If (cash_in_hand is twice the funeral_cost) ; I am wealthy so I will have a full-fledged funeral arrangement Then call deduct_wealth(funeral_cost) Else ; cost to be born by the household and the extended family network collectively cost ← call calculate_lesser_cost call borrow_funeral_cost(cost) end Process: Borrow funeral cost (Household: household; cost) If (cannot bear cost) Then for all relative_household in the extended_family_network call ask_contribution_for_funeral (relative_household) End
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