Guido Fioretti and Alessandro Lomi (2008)
An Agent-Based Representation of the Garbage Can Model of Organizational Choice
Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation
vol. 11, no. 1 1
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Received: 17-Feb-2007 Accepted: 28-Sep-2007 Published: 31-Jan-2008
Figure 1. The flow chart of the GCM: resolutions and oversights mark the end of decision-making, flights make it start again |
Figure 2. The decision structure can either be non-segmented (left), hierarchical (centre) or specialized (right). In the matrices a "1" indicates that the row element has access to the column element |
Figure 3. The access structure can either be non-segmented (left), hierarchical (centre) or specialized (right). In the matrices a "1" indicates that the row element has access to the column element |
XERC(i) ≤ XEE(i) | (1) |
XERC(i) = XERC(i) + XERP(j) | (2) |
Figure 4. The energy required at the i-th opportunity is the sum of the energies of the problems that impinge on it |
XEE(i) = XEE(i) + XSC(lt) * XEA(k, lt) | (3) |
Figure 5. The energy that can be expended at the i-th opportunity is the sum of the energies of the participants that attend it |
s = XERC(i) - XEE(i) | (4) |
Figure 6. The parameters that regulate the entry and exit of agents. Initial number, exogenous flows, interruption of exogenous flows, and exit of agents once they have been involved in decision-making |
Figure 7. The buttons that select the decision structure (left) and the access structure (right). Non-segmented structures are denoted by 0, hierarchical structures are denoted by 1, specialized structures are denoted by 2 |
Figure 8. The buttons that specify the energy distribution, its minimum and maximum values and whether the energy values are shown aside the agents |
(5) |
where Ai denotes the ability (the energy) of the i-th participant, ej denotes the efficiency of the j-th solution, Dk denotes the difficulty (the energy) of the k-th problem and IS, JS, KS denote the set of participants, solutions and problems on square S, respectively. According to (5), if several participants and several problems are on the square, all of them are involved in decision making. If several opportunities are on the square, one of them is chosen at random to be involved in decision-making. If several solutions are on the square, only the most efficient one is involved in decision making.
Figure 9. The flow chart at a particular square. The program goes through the five rhombi along the diagonal during one single step. The sixth rhombus at the bottom requires one step by itself. If the loop on the right is entered, the two last rhombi on the diagonal require one simulation step |
Figure 10. A snapshot of the simulation screen. Blue squares are participants, orange arrows are opportunities, red circles are solutions and yellow triangles are problems |
Figure 11. The monitors of the main indicators of the model, grouped by the agents on which they are based |
Figure 12. The proportion of decisions by oversight and by resolution with respect to total decisions, with all parameters at base values. Outcomes have been averaged over 100 runs |
Figure 13. The proportion of flights followed by decisions by oversights, flights followed by decisions by resolution and flights without immediate consequences when all parameters are at base values. Outcomes have been averaged over 100 runs |
Figure 14. The indicators proposed by Cohen, March and Olsen (1972) to represent the inefficiency of decision making, plotted as functions of the difficulty of problems. Logarithmic scale of percent values. Original values have been averaged over 100 runs |
Figure 15. Problem latency, number of unsolved problems and waiting time when problem difficulty is at 0.5. The labels N, H and S denote the non-segmented, hierarchical and specialized structure, respectively. All other parameters at base values. Outcomes have been averaged over 100 runs |
Figure 16. Problem latency, number of unsolved problems and waiting time when problem difficulty is at 1.5. The labels N, H and S denote the non-segmented, hierarchical and specialized structure, respectively. All other parameters at base values. Outcomes have been averaged over 100 runs |
Figure 17. Problem latency, number of unsolved problems and waiting time when problem difficulty is at 2.5. The labels N, H and S denote the non-segmented, hierarchical and specialized structure, respectively. All other parameters at base values. Outcomes have been averaged over 100 runs |
(6) |
(7) |
(8) |
Figure 18. Percentage of the total number of encounters with opportunities, solutions and problems, that occur with opportunities, solutions and problems that have already been met. In order to measure these quantities it has been stipulated that opportunities, solutions and problems exit the organization once a decision is made, and that no other in- or out-flows take place. All other parameters are at base values. Outcomes have been averaged over 100 runs |
Figure 19. The percentage of decisions by resolution on the most important opportunities (white bars) and the least important opportunities (black bars), for various combinations of non-segmented (N) and hierarchical (H) structures. Outcomes have been averaged over 100 runs |
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