J. Gary Polhill, Dawn Parker, Daniel Brown and Volker Grimm (2008)
Using the ODD Protocol for Describing Three Agent-Based Social Simulation Models of Land-Use Change
Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation
vol. 11, no. 2 3
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Received: 03-Aug-2007 Accepted: 18-Dec-2007 Published: 31-Mar-2008
Hercules himself must yield to ODDs
Henry VI part III, Act II Scene I
Is the author clear about the goals of the model? Are these goals appropriate? Has the model appropriately represented relevant spatial processes? Have standard techniques for verification and validation been used? Are the mechanisms of the model clearly communicated to the audience? Have the model mechanisms been appropriately verified? How does the model compare to other ongoing ABM/LUCC work?
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Figure 1. The seven elements of the ODD protocol. The three categories on the left side are only for explaining the general structure of the protocol but are not used while describing a model. Rather, a model description following ODD has the seven sections listed on the right side. (After Grimm et al. 2006) |
Variable name | Brief description |
Land Use | Main decision variable for the agent. Two types: zero (fixed price) or one (quantity-dependent price). |
Coordinates | X and Y coordinates of the cell over which the land owner decides land use. |
Landscape model:
Variable name | Brief description | Parameter in SLUDGE GUI |
Productivity | Per-cell land-use specific output variable. | Productivity_0 Productivity_1 |
Externalities | Positive or negative Productivity change with each neighbouring Land Use (4 variables). These result in a gain or loss of production for the first Land Use when it shares a border with the second. | One_With_0 One_With_1 Zero_With_0 Zero_With_1 |
Output Price 0 | Parametric output price for output of Land Use 0. | Output_Price_0 |
Landscape dimension | Height and width of the model Landscape, in cells | Board_Size |
Coordinates | X and Y coordinates of the cell, which determine transportation costs to market locations. | |
Supply and Demand model:
Variable name | Brief description | Parameter in SLUDGE GUI |
Demand function | Downward-sloping function and scaling parameter that determines price of Output 1. | Demand_Parameter |
Expected Price 1 | Price anticipated by each agent based on current Landscape and Economic Conditions. | |
Output Price 1 | Realised price of Output 1 dependent on total output of Land use 1. | |
Transport cost model:
Variable name | Brief description | Parameter in SLUDGE GUI |
Coordinates | X and Y coordinates of the cell representing the market location for output of each Land use. | Market_0_X; Market_0_Y Market_1_X; Market_1_Y |
Transport costs | Land-use specific per-unit transport cost. | Transport_Costs_0 Transport_Cost_1 |
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Figure 2. SLUDGE process overview (ovals are endogenous/emergent elements; lateral boxes are exogenous/initialisation elements) |
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(1) |
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(2) |
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(3) |
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(4) |
Landscape Cells | |
Variable name | Brief description |
Coordinates | X and Y coordinates of the Cell, that determine the Euclidean Distance to Service Centres. |
Aesthetic Quality | A relative indicator of the visual attractiveness of a Cell to the Residents. |
Residents | |
Name | Brief description |
Coordinates | X and Y coordinates of the Cell where the Resident resides. |
Alpha Aesthetic Quality* | Relative importance to resident of Aesthetic Quality. |
Alpha Distance to Service Centres * | Relative importance to resident of Distance to Service Centres. |
Alpha Neighbourhood Density * | Relative importance to Resident of Neighbourhood Density. |
Alpha Neighbourhood Similarity * | Relative importance to Resident of Neighbourhood Similarity. |
Utility | The overall level of satisfaction a Resident receives from a locational choice. |
*All alpha values are constrained to sum to 1. | |
Service Centres | |
Variable name | Brief description |
Coordinates | X and Y coordinates of the Cell where the Service Centre is located. |
For 1 to the defined number of Residents to enter at each time step (specified by the user or file) Create a new Resident. For 1 to the number of Cells to test Randomly select an unoccupied Cell (without replacement) Calculate Neighbourhood Similarity, based on the difference between the Resident's importance values for each locational attribute (α's) and those of any residents already located in the eight neighbouring cells. Evaluate Utility at that Cell to that Resident: based on the combination of Cell attributes, weighted by the importance of those attributes to the Resident (represented by alpha). If it is the first Cell then Store the Cell and Utility as the best location. Else if it is not the first Cell evaluated by the Resident then If the current Cell's Utility > best Cell's Utility then Set the best Cell and Utility to those of the current Cell End if End if Next Test Cell Put Resident in the best Cell. Set Resident X,Y and Utility to those from the new Cell Calculate Neighbourhood Density for all Cells, as the number of occupied cells within the nine-cell neighbourhood around each Cell. If option is selected, update Aesthetic Quality near new Resident If the total number of Residents in the world divided by the specified number of Residents per Service Centre minus the number of existing Service Centres is >= 1 then Create and locate a new Service Centre (process described in details) Set Service Centre X,Y properties to those from the new Cell Calculate Distance to Service Centres for all Cells, based on Euclidean distance from each Cell to the nearest Service Centre If option is selected, update Aesthetic Quality near new Service Centre End IF Next Resident
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(5) |
where ur(x, y) is the utility of location (x, y) for resident r; αir is the weight the resident r places on factor i; βi is the preferred value on component i and is usually assumed constant for all residents, e.g., all residents desire the most aesthetic quality and shortest distance to service centers; γi(x, y) is the value of component i at location (x, y), and m is the number of location attributes evaluated. The form of the multiplicative function is:
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(6) |
Choice of whether to use the additive or multiplicative utility function is driven by theoretical and experimental considerations (Brown and Robinson 2006).
Select a random adjacent Cell next to the last Resident Do until a Cell is selected for the Service Centre To get a new Cell spiral outwards from the last Resident Location, while checking for edge effects If the Cell is not occupied then Select the Cell. End if End Do
Land Parcel: Field scale | |
Variable name | Brief description |
Environment | The Environment this Land Parcel appears in (see below). |
Biophysical Characteristics | An abstract representation of the local properties of the Land Parcel, which could conceptually be understood as such things as soil type, aspect, altitude or slope, though these are not specifically represented. |
Land Use | An abstract representation of the land use this field has been applied to. |
Yield | The Yield of the most recently applied Land Use. |
Owner | The Land Manager responsible for making decisions for the Parcel, and harvesting the Yield from it. |
Environment: Catchment or regional scale | |
Variable name | Brief description |
Spatial Topology | Determines the neighbourhood of each Land Parcel (toroidal/bounded; von Neumann/Moore). |
External Conditions | An abstract representation of spatially homogeneous conditions that change over time and affect Economic Returns to Land Managers. These could be thought of as including such things as exchange rates, regional climate, and demand, though such things are not specifically modelled. |
External Conditions Flip Probability Array | Probabilities determining the rate of change of the External Conditions from one Year to the next. |
Biophysical Characteristics Clumped? | Whether or not to make the Biophysical Characteristics of neighbouring Land Parcels more similar to each other using a clumping algorithm. |
Break-Even Threshold | The amount of Yield a Land Manager has to make from a Land Parcel to break even. |
Land Uses | The set of Land Uses that Land Managers may apply to Land Parcels. |
Land Manager: Farm scale | |
Variable name | Brief description |
Land Parcel List | List of Land Parcels owned by the Land Manager. |
Subpopulation | The Subpopulation this Land Manager belongs to, which determines the settings of its parameters. |
Land Market | A pointer to the Land Market to which bids for Land Parcels should be sent. |
Account | The accumulated wealth of the Land Manager. |
Aspiration Threshold | The amount of Yield the Land Manager hopes to obtain from each Land Parcel. |
Imitative Strategy | The algorithm to use for choosing a Land Use by imitating neighbouring Land Uses if the Aspiration Threshold is not achieved. |
Memory size | How many Years in the past the Land Manager may look for data in the Imitative Strategy algorithm. |
Innovative Strategy | The algorithm to use for choosing a Land Use without imitating neighbouring Land Uses if the Aspiration Threshold is not achieved. |
Imitation Probability | The probability of choosing the Imitative Strategy if the Aspiration Threshold is not achieved. |
Land Offer Threshold | The amount that must be in the Account before the Land Manager will bid for Land Parcels. |
Bidding Strategy | The algorithm to use to generate a Price to offer for Land Parcels available for sale. |
Selection Strategy | The algorithm to use to decide which bids for Land Parcels to actually make. |
Subpopulation: Land Manager collective | |
Variable name | Brief description |
Land Manager List | List of Land Managers belonging to this Subpopulation. |
Incomer Offer Price Distribution | Determines the distribution from which new Land Managers of this Subpopulation will create an offer price for Land Parcels — e.g. Normal(Mean, Variance). |
Imitative Probability Distribution | Distribution from which the Imitative Probabilities of new Land Managers of this Subpopulation are taken. |
Aspiration Threshold Distribution | Distribution from which the Aspiration Thresholds of new Land Managers of this Subpopulation are taken. |
Land Offer Threshold Distribution | Distribution from which the Land Offer Thresholds of new Land Managers of this Subpopulation are taken. |
Bidding Strategy Configuration | Configuration string for the Bidding Strategy of new Land Managers of this Subpopulation. This depends on the particular Bidding Strategy algorithm used. For example, for a Wealth Multiple Bidding Strategy, this contains the distribution of the fraction of the Account that member Land Managers will use to generate a bid from. |
Land Market: Responsible for organising the exchange of Land Parcels among Land Managers. | |
Variable name | Brief description |
Auction Type | First price sealed bid or Vickrey auction. |
Parcels for Sale List | A list of the Land Parcels available for sale in the current Year. |
Bid Lst | A list of bids made by Land Managers for members of the Land Parcels for Sale List. |
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Figure 3. The Yearly cycle in FEARLUS. Starting at the bottom right, Land Managers choose Land Uses for their Land Parcels, the Economic Return is then calculated (top left), then Land Parcel exchanged (top right) |
Land Use Selection
Calculation of Return
Land Sales
Land Use Choice Outcome Submodel
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Figure 4. Illustration of bitstring-based model of Land Use choice outcome. |
Land Use Selection
Calculation of Return
Land Sales
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(7) |
Still, …, differences in the style of the presentation are likely to remain. We have to accept this at the current stage, because the protocol has to compromise between being general enough to include all kinds of individual- or agent-based models and being specific enough to fulfil its purpose.
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Figure 5. UML class diagram depicting part of the structure of FEARLUS+ELMM. (Copyright 2008 IGI Global. Reprint by permission of the publisher.) |
2 For those unfamiliar with this distinction, procedural programming languages consist of a series of statements that (loops, conditionals and function or method calls aside) are executed in the order written. Declarative programming languages consist of a series of statements that could be considered to be logically axiomatic, the order of which need not matter (though this depends on the particular language being used). The program is then run by asking a question of an inference engine, which attempts to derive an answer to the question by executing an appropriate selection of the statements in an order determined by the principles on which it is built.
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