Ugo Merlone, Michele Sonnessa and Pietro Terna (2008)
Horizontal and Vertical Multiple Implementations in a Model of Industrial Districts
Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation
vol. 11, no. 2 5
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Received: 04-Aug-2007 Accepted: 06-Jan-2008 Published: 31-Mar-2008
(1) |
describing respectively the orders generation, new workers entry, and new firms entry, then the evolution of the system can be formalized as follows:
(2) |
![]() |
Scheme 1. Scheme of a simulation turn |
(3) |
(4) |
Figure 1. The System Dynamic version of the piecewise linear model |
Figure 2. The System Dynamic model of workers population |
Figure 3. The System Dynamic model of firms population |
Figure 4. The System Dynamic model of the workers and firms population |
The Agent-Based Approach
Figure 5. The dynamic process of independent populations |
Figure 6. The dynamic process of the co-evolving model |
Figure 7. Dependent multiple implementation |
Figure 8. Independent multiple implementation |
Figure 9. Java Code implementation for a computational firm |
Figure 10. Time-sequence UML diagram of the model implemented with JAS |
Figure 11. The method getPlayersInMyDomain() from DomainPlayer class |
Figure 12. C++ implementation code for a simulation turn |
Figure 13. Results in the deterministic order allocation for firm population |
Figure 14. Results in the deterministic order allocation for firm population (top-bottom) |
Figure 15. Results in the deterministic order allocation for firm population (bottom-top) |
Figure 16. Number of firms over time, for random length order with top-bottom firm list rotation |
Figure 17. Number of firms over time, for random length order with bottom-top firm list rotation |
Figure 18. Firm list evolution, for random length order with top-bottom firm list rotation |
2 In particular for firms, the equilibrium is expected to be similar to an economic cycle.
3 In the jES Open Foundation version of the model we have also instrumental layers showing separately the presence of workers for each type of skill, but, obviously, the two implementations are equivalent in terms of modeling.
4 We remark that the employee-employer relationship is negotiated at each simulation turn and therefore is not permanent.
5 The careful reader will notice that the graphical representation we provide is similar to the one proposed in Edmonds and Hales (2003); this is not a coincidence.
6 The generator is taken from the COLT library ( and more precisely is referred to the class cern.jet.random.engine.MersenneTwister.
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