Errors and Artefacts in Agent-Based Modelling
of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation vol. 12, no. 1 1
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Received: 13-Feb-2008 Accepted: 12-Oct-2008 Published: 31-Jan-2009
"You should assume that, no matter how carefully you have designed and built your simulation, it will contain bugs (code that does something different to what you wanted and expected)." (Gilbert 2007, p. 38).
"Achieving internal validity is harder than it might seem. The problem is knowing whether an unexpected result is a reflection of a mistake in the programming, or a surprising consequence of the model itself. […] As is often the case, confirming that the model was correctly programmed was substantially more work than programming the model in the first place." (Axelrod 1997b)
"Indeed, the 'robustness' of macrostructures to perturbations in individual agent performance […] is often a property of agent-based-models and exacerbates the problem of detecting 'bugs'. " (Axtell and Epstein 1994, p. 31)
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Figure 1. In agent-based modelling the entities of the system are represented explicit and individually in the model. The limits of the entities in the target system correspond to the limits of the agents in the model, and the interactions between entities correspond to the interactions of the agents in the model (Edmonds 2001). |
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Figure 2. Different stages in the process of designing, implementing and using and agent-based model. |
"An ontology is defined by Gruber (1993) as "a formal, explicit specification of a shared conceptualisation". Fensel (2001) elaborates: ontologies are formal in that they are machine readable; explicit in that all required concepts are described; shared in that they represent an agreement among some community [...] and conceptualisations in that an ontology is an abstraction of reality." (Polhill and Gotts 2006, p. 51)
2 By “mathematically intractable” we mean that applying deductive inference to the mathematically formalised model, given the current state of development of mathematics, does not provide a solution or clear insight into the behaviour of the model, so there is a need to resort to techniques such as simulation or numerical approximations in order to study the input-output relationship that characterises the model.
3 The reader can see an interesting comparative analysis between agent-based and equation-based modelling in Parunak et al. (1998).
4 Note that the thematician faces a similar problem when building his non-formal model. There are potentially an infinite number of models for one single target system.
5 Each individual member of this set can be understood as a different model or, alternatively, as a different parameterisation of one single -more general- model that would itself define the whole set.
6 There are some interesting attempts with INGENIAS (Pavón and Gómez-Sanz 2003) to use modelling and visual languages as programming languages rather than merely as design languages (Sansores and Pavón 2005; Sansores , Pavón and Gómez-Sanz 2006). These efforts are aimed at automatically generating several implementations of one single executable model (in various different simulation platforms).
7 See a complete epistemic review of the validation problem in Kleindorfer et al. (1998) and discussion about the specific domain of agent-based modelling in Windrum et al (2007) and Moss (2008).
8 If we accept, as Edmonds and Hales (2005) propose, that a computational simulation is a theoretical experiment, then our definition of the concept of accessory assumption could be assimilated by analogy to a particular case of auxiliary assumption as defined in the context of the Duhem-Quine thesis (Windrum, Fagiolo and Moneta 2007). Notwithstanding, in order to be considered an artefact, an assumption not only needs the condition of auxiliary hypothesis but also the condition of significant assumption.
9 This finding does not refute some of the most important conclusions of the model.
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