Agent Based Modeling and Simulation: An Informatics Perspective
Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation
12 (4) 4
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Received: 11-Aug-2009 Accepted: 22-Aug-2009 Published: 31-Oct-2009
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Figure 1. A general schema describing the usage of simulation as a predictive or explanatory instrument. |
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Figure 2. An abstract model to analyze, describe and discuss different models, concrete simulation experiences, platforms legitimately claiming to adopt an agent-based approach. |
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Figure 3. The proposed taxonomy of Agent Interaction Models. |
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Figure 4. Layers and concerns of an Agent Communication Language. |
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Figure 5. A conceptual diagram for a typical blackboard architecture, including two sample primitives of the Linda coordination model, that is, the output of a tuple into the blackboard (the out operation) and the non-destructive input of an agent from the blackboard (the read operation). |
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Figure 6. A sample schema exemplifying an environment mediated form of interaction in which the spatial structure of the environment has a central role in determining the agents' perceptions and their possibility to interact. |
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Figure 7.A screenshot of a NetLogo simulation applet, on the left, and a Repast simulation model, on the right. |
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