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Herbert Dawid

Since 2003 Herbert Dawid holds the chair for economic policy at Bielefeld University and since 2004 he is also professor at the Institute of Mathematical Economics at Bielefeld University. In 1995 he received a PhD in applied mathematics from Vienna University of Technology. He was an assistant and associate professor at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles (1999-2002). He is associate editor of the Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization and of the Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control and on the editorial board of the Journal of Evolutionary Economics. His current research interests include agent-based computational economics, economics of innovation, and industry dynamics.

Department of Economics
University of Bielefeld
P.O. Box 100131

Email: hdawid@wiwi.uni-bielefeld.de
Web: http://www.wiwi.uni-bielefeld.de/vpl1/mitarbeiter/prof-dr-herbert-dawid.html

Simon Gemkow

Simon Gemkow studied Business Studies at Bielefeld University and received his Diploma in 2006. Since 2007 he is a doctoral student and research assistant at the Department of the Business Administration and Economics at Bielefeld University. He contributed as a researcher to the FP& FET project EURACE, presented his work at international conferences and published in referred international journals. His current research interests include agent-based computational economics, skill dynamics and social networks in labor markets, and innovation systems.

Department of Business Administration and Economics
P.O. Box 100131
33501 Bielefeld

Email: sgemkow@uni-bielefeld.de
Web: www.wiwi.uni-bielefeld.de/vpl1/mitarbeiter/doktoranden-und-projektmitarbeiter/dipl-kfm-simon-gemkow.html

Philipp Harting

Philipp Harting studied Economics at Bielefeld University and received his Diploma in 2007. Since 2007 he is a doctoral student and research assistant at the Department of the Business Administration and Economics at Bielefeld University. He contributed as a researcher to the FP& FET project EURACE, presented his work at international conferences and published in referred international journals. His current research interests include agent-based computational economics, innovation and labor market dynamics.

Department of Business Administration and Economics
P.O. Box 100131
33501 Bielefeld

Email: philipp.harting@uni-bielefeld.de
Web: www.wiwi.uni-bielefeld.de/vpl1/mitarbeiter/doktoranden-und-projektmitarbeiter/dipl-volksw-philipp-harting.html

Michael Neugart

Since 2008 Michael Neugart is an associate professor for economic policy at the Free University of Bolzano in Italy. He holds a Dr. rer. pol. from the Freie Universität Berlin where he also received his Habilitation. He previously worked at the Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung, was John F. Kennedy fellow at the Center for European Studies at Harvard University, and visiting professor at Bielefeld University. His current research areas are agent-based computational economics, political economics, and labor economics.

School of Economics and Management
Sernesistraße 1

Email: michael.neugart@unibz.it
Web: www.pro.unibz.it/staff/mneugart/index.html


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