J. Gary Polhill
Gary Polhill did a degree in Artificial Intelligence and a PhD in Neural Networks before spending 18 months in industry as a professional programmer. Since 1997 he has been working at the Macaulay Institute on agent-based modelling of land use and related systems. He is interested in complex systems, social dilemmas, spatially-explicit modelling, and best practice in agent-based modelling, programming and design. He is also interested in the role of ontologies in formally describing and annotating simulation models and experiments, and developing Semantic Grid concepts to support agent-based social simulation.
Macaulay Land Use Research Institute
AB15 8QH
United Kingdom
Email: g.polhill@macaulay.ac.uk
Web: http://www.macaulay.ac.uk/staff/staffdetails.php?garypolhill; http://www.macaulay.ac.uk/fearlus
Lee-Ann Sutherland
Lee-Ann Sutherland is a social scientist at the Macaulay Institute, where she utilises primarily qualitative methods to study farmer decision-making in the UK. Prior to joining the Macaulay in 2005, she undertook MSc and PhD work on agricultural decision-making in Russia and Bulgaria. Lee-Ann's work focuses at the micro to meso levels, aiming to understand the development of farming norms and local cultural change from the 'bottom up'.
Macaulay Land Use Research Institute
AB15 8QH
United Kingdom
Email: l.sutherland@macaulay.ac.uk
Web: http://www.macaulay.ac.uk/staff/staffdetails.php?lee-annsutherland
Nicholas M. Gotts
Nick Gotts trained in psychology and artificial intelligence. Until 1996, his research was mainly concerned with qualitative spatial representation and reasoning in humans, other animals, and computers. Since then he has concentrated on complex systems dynamics, particularly on cellular automata, and on agent-based social simulation. Since July 1998 he has been designing and experimenting with agent-based models of land use and water management at the Macaulay Institute, and is particularly interested in ways of comparing agent-based models, and in the relationships between analysis and simulation in the study of complex systems.
AB15 8QH
United Kingdom
Email: n.gotts@macaulay.ac.uk
Web: http://www.macaulay.ac.uk/staff/staffdetails.php?nickgotts
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