Jae-Woo Kim
Jae-Woo Kim is a research fellow in the Center for the Study of Social Stratification and Inequality at Tohoku University. His primary research interest is the dynamics of human cooperation facing social dilemmas in markets, communities, and organizations as complex systems. He continues to study its cultural-psychological foundations and structural mechanisms, with attention to group identification, trust, signaling and communications, social capital, and inequality.
Center for the Study of Social Stratification and Inequality
Tohoku University
Kawauchi, Aoba-ku
Sendai 980-8576
Email: jkim081@ucr.edu
Web: http://student.ucr.edu/~jkim081
Robert Hanneman
Robert A. Hanneman is a professor of sociology in the Department of Sociology at the University of California, Riverside. He has worked in the areas of economic, organizational, political, and military sociology by using statistical analysis, simulation modeling, and social network analysis.
1206 Watkins Hall
Department of Sociology
University of California
CA 92507
United States
Email: robert.hanneman@ucr.edu
Web: http://faculty.ucr.edu/~hanneman/
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