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Volume 14, Issue 3

June 2011

Refereed articles

A Computational Model of Worker Protest
   Jae-Woo Kim and Robert Hanneman

Leadership, Violence, and Warfare in Small Societies
   Stephen Younger

Multiagent System Applied to the Modeling and Simulation of Pedestrian Traffic in Counterflow
   Ana Luisa Ballinas-Hernández, Angélica Muñoz-Meléndez and Alejandro Rangel-Huerta

Scale-Free Relationships Facilitate Cooperation in Spatial Games with Sequential Strategy
   Tetsushi Ohdaira and Takao Terano

An Agent-Based Model of Sustainable Corporate Social Responsibility Activities
   Isamu Okada

Reallocation Problems in Agent Societies: A Local Mechanism to Maximize Social Welfare
   Antoine Nongaillard and Philippe Mathieu

Stability of Groups with Costly Beliefs and Practices
   Wesley J. Wildman and Richard Sosis

Agent-Based Modeling of Human-Induced Spread of Invasive Species in Agricultural Landscapes: Insights from the Potato Moth in Ecuador
   François Rebaudo, Verónica Crespo-Pérez, Jean-François Silvain and Olivier Dangles

Challenges in Modelling Social Conflicts: Grappling with Polysemy
   Martin Neumann, Andreas Braun, Eva-Maria Heinke, Mehdi Saqalli and Armano Srbljinovic


Challenges in Modelling Social Conflicts: Grappling with Polysemy
   Martin Neumann, Andreas Braun, Eva-Maria Heinke, Mehdi Saqalli and Armano Srbljinovic


The Causal Power of Social Structures: Emergence, Structure and Agency
Elder-Vass, Dave
Reviewed by Keith Sawyer

Analytical Sociology and Social Mechanisms
Demeulenaere, Pierre (ed.)
Reviewed by Peter Davis

Why People Cooperate: The Role of Social Motivations
Tyler, Tom
Reviewed by Francesc S. Beltran

Supercooperators: Altruism, Evolution, and Why We Need Each Other to Succeed
Nowak, Martin
Reviewed by Marco A. Janssen

Working Together: Collective Action, the Commons, and Multiple Methods in Practice
Poteete, Amy R., Janssen, Marco A. and Ostrom, Elinor
Reviewed by Olivier Barreteau

Cognitive Biology: Evolutionary and Developmental Perspectives on Mind, Brain, and Behavior (Vienna Series in Theoretical Biology)
Tommasi Luca, Peterson Mary A., and Nadel Lynn (Eds.)
Reviewed by Juliette Rouchier

Evolving Ethics: The New Science of Good and Evil
Mascaro, Steven, Korb, Kevin B., Nicholson, Ann E. and Woodberry, Owen
Reviewed by Rob Stocker


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