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Hugues Bersini

Hugues Bersini is Professor at Université Libre de Bruxelles and Co-Director of the IRIDIA laboratory. His main research interests are modelling and control of complex systems, neural networks and fuzzy control, data mining, autonomous agents and dynamics of biological networks, computational chemistry, immune engineering, cognitive sciences and object-oriented technology. He teaches Artificial Intelligence and Object-Oriented technologies (UML, Design Patterns, Java, .Net, ...) both for academics and for enterprises. He has written nine books on information technology. He is member of the Belgium Royal Academy of Science .

IRIDIA - CP 194/6
Université Libre de Bruxelles
50, av. Franklin Roosevelt

Email: bersini@ulb.ac.be
Web: http://iridia.ulb.ac.be/bersini


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