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Marco A. Janssen

Dr. Marco Janssen is an Associate Professor in the School of Human Evolution and Social Change, and the Director of the Center for the Study of Institutional Diversity, both at Arizona State University. He teaches applied mathematics for the life and social sciences and environmental social science, and his research focuses on the interactions of cognitive processes, institutional rules and ecological dynamics.

School of Human Evolution and Social Change
Box 872402
United States

Email: marco.janssen@asu.edu
Web: http://www.public.asu.edu/~majansse/

Nathan Rollins

Nathan Rollins is an Anthropology PhD student in the School of Human Evolution and Social Change and a research assistant for the Network for Computational Modeling for SocioEcological Science, both at Arizona State University. He is studying collective action dynamics and multi-level institutional arrangements in watershed resource management, using a combination of agent-based models, field-based experiments and ethnography.

School of Human Evolution and Social Change
Box 872402
United States

Email: nathan.rollins@asu.edu


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