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Volume 15, Issue 3

June 2012

Refereed articles

Explanation in Agent-Based Modelling: Functions, Causality or Mechanisms?
   Corinna Elsenbroich

Use of an Agent-Based Model to Understand Clinical Systems
   Luci Leykum, Pradeep Kumar, Michael Parchman, Reuben R McDaniel, Holly Lanham and Michael Agar

Why Do Social Democrats Retrench the Welfare State? A Simulation
   Gijs Schumacher and Barbara Vis

Flora: A Testbed for Evaluating the Potential Impact of Proposed Systems on Population Wellbeing
   Edgar Sioson

Logic-Based Reputation Model in E-Commerce Simulation
   Ioan Alfred Letia and Radu Razvan Slavescu

Prisoner's Dilemma Game on Complex Networks with Agents' Adaptive Expectations
   Bo Xianyu


Predicting Behavior in New Behavioral Experiments: Outcomes of a Modeling Competition
   Marco A. Janssen and Nathan Rollins

Agent-Based Modelling: Tools for Linking NetLogo And R
   Jan C. Thiele, Winfried Kurth and Volker Grimm


Agent-Based and Individual-Based Modeling: A Practical Introduction
Railsback, Steven F. and Grimm, Volker
Reviewed by H. Van Dyke Parunak

Agent-Based Models of Geographical Systems
Heppenstall, Alison J., Crooks, Andrew T., See, Linda M. and Batty, Michael (eds.)
Reviewed by José Manuel Galán

Models of Science Dynamics: Encounters Between Complexity Theory and Information Sciences (Understanding Complex Systems)
Scharnhorst, Andrea, Börner, Katy and Besselaar, Peter van den (eds.)
Reviewed by Stefano Balietti

Dynamic Land Use/cover Change Modelling: Geosimulation and Multiagent-Based Modelling (Springer Theses)
Arsanjani, Jamal Jokar
Reviewed by Peter Johnson

Party Competition: An Agent-Based Model (Princeton Studies in Complexity)
Laver, Michael and Sergenti, Ernest
Reviewed by Víctor M. Eguíluz

Introduction to Mathematical Sociology
Bonacich, Phillip and Lu, Philip
Reviewed by Giangiacomo Bravo


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