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Alistair Sutcliffe

Alistair Sutcliffe retired from the University of Manchester in October 2011; however, he continues his research as a visiting professor in University College London and the University of Lancaster. He has been principle investigator on numerous EPSRC and European Union projects. His research interests in HCI are theory and models of user experience, interaction design, social media and design of complex socio-technical systems. In software engineering he specialises in requirements engineering methods and tools, scenario based design, and theories of domain knowledge. He serves on the several journal editorial boards and as editor of ISO standard 14915, on Multimedia user interface design. He has over 250 publications including five books and was awarded the IFIP silver core in 2000.

Manchester Business School
Booth St West
M13 6BP
United Kingdom

Email: ags@man.ac.uk
Web: http://www.manchester.ac.uk/research/mbs/Alistair.sutcliffe/

Di Wang

Dr. Di Wang is a senior researcher in EBTIC. She obtained her PhD degree in Computer Engineering from Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, 2005. From 2005 till 2011 she researched data mining and computational simulation in the University of Stirling and the University of Manchester, UK. She proposed novel architectures and learning methods for machine learning and data mining which were successfully deployed in the commercial domains. Dr. Wang has published more than 30 papers in international journals and conferences. She is also a committee member for several IEEE conferences and reviewer for a number of international journals. Her current research in EBTIC involves developing artificial intelligent methods and multi-agent systems for machine learning and data mining to address societal needs in the region.

Abu Dhabi Campus
Booth St West
Abu Dhabi
United Arab Emirates

Email: di.wang@mbs.ac.uk

Robin Dunbar

Robin Dunbar is Professor of Evolutionary Psychology and head of the Social Neuroscience Group in the Department of Experimental Psychology at the University of Oxford. From 2007-2012, he was Professor of Evolutionary Anthropology and the Director of the Institute of Cognitive and Evolutionary Anthropology at the University of Oxford and the Co-director of the British Academy Centenary Research Project "From Lucy to Language: The Archaeology of the Social Brain". He is best known for formulating Dunbar's number, roughly 150, a measurement of the "cognitive limit to the number of individuals with whom any one person can maintain stable relationships". Robin Dunbar is a Fellow of the British Academy (Psychology section) and a member of the editorial board of the Proceedings of the Royal Society (series B).

Dept of Experimental Psychology
South Parks Road
United Kingdom

Email: rmid@ox.ac.uk


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