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Volume 15, Issue 4

October 2012

Refereed articles

Social Relationships and the Emergence of Social Networks
   Alistair Sutcliffe, Di Wang and Robin Dunbar

An Agent-Based Model of Social Identity Dynamics
   Paul Smaldino, Cynthia Pickett, Jeffrey Sherman and Jeffrey Schank

Reexamining the Relative Agreement Model of Opinion Dynamics
   Michael Meadows and Dave Cliff

Slumulation: An Agent-Based Modeling Approach to Slum Formations
   Amit Patel, Andrew Crooks and Naoru Koizumi

The Reactive-Causal Architecture: Radar Task Simulation
   Ali Orhan Aydin and Mehmet Ali Orgun

Using Artificial Societies to Understand the Impact of Teacher Student Match on Academic Performance: The Case of Same Race Effects
   Guillermo Montes

Modelling the Emergence of Spatial Patterns of Economic Activity
   Jung-Hun Yang and Dick Ettema

Old and Young Individuals' Role in Cultural Change
   Alberto Acerbi, Stefano Ghirlanda and Magnus Enquist


Thomas C. Schelling and the Computer: Some Notes on Schelling's Essay "On Letting a Computer Help with the Work"
   Rainer Hegselmann


Interface Focus, Theme Issue on "Top-Down Causation", February 6, 2012, 2 (1)
Ellis, George F. R., Noble, Denis, and O'Connor, Timothy (Eds.)
Reviewed by Flaminio Squazzoni

Why Society is a Complex Matter: Meeting Twenty-First Century Challenges with a New Kind of Science
Ball, Philip
Reviewed by Paul E. Johnson

Complex Adaptive Innovation Systems: Relatedness and Transversality in the Evolving Region (Regions and Cities)
Cooke, Philip
Reviewed by Petra Ahrweiler

Modeling and Simulating Urban Processes
Koch, Andreas and Mandl, Peter (eds.)
Reviewed by Andrew Crooks

Emergence and Collapse of Early Villages: Models of Central Mesa Verde Archaeology
Kohler, Timothy A. and Varien, Mark D.
Reviewed by Juan A. Barcelo


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