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Guillaume Deffuant

Guillaume Deffuant is head of the Laboratoire d'Ingeniérie des Systèmes Complexes in Irstea (French research institute of science and technology for environment and agriculture). He graduated from Ecole Polytechnique in 1987 and got his PhD in cognitive science in 1992. Hisresearch interests are in modelling complex systems (social or ecological dynamics) and assessing their properties such as their viability or resilience. He has a long lasting more personal interest in cognitive sciences and more particularly in the concept of empathy.

rue des landais

Email: guillaume.deffuant@irstea.fr
Web: http://motive.cemagref.fr/people/guillaume.deffuant

Gérard Weisbuch

A physicist by training (PhD 1967), Gérard Weisbuch has been working on biological and social complex systems since the late 70s: complex systems dynamics, evolution, neural nets, immunology and more recently environment and social networks. He is an honorary member of the CNRS working at Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris.

Laboratoire de Physique Statistique
24 rue Lhomond

Email: weisbuch@lps.ens.fr
Web: http://www.lps.ens.fr/~weisbuch/

Frederic Amblard

Frédéric AMBLARD received his Ph.D. degree in Multi-Agent Simulation in 2003 from Blaise Pascal University, Clermont-Ferrand, France. Dr. Amblard is currently Associate Professor at the University of Social Sciences in Toulouse and researcher associated to the CNRS-IRIT, Institute of Research in Computer Sciences in Toulouse. His current application domain now concerns Agent-Based Social Simulation. Dr. Amblard has authored or co-authored various research papers either in computer sciences, in physics or in sociology.

allées de Brienne
France, France

Email: frederic.amblard@univ-tlse1.fr
Web: http://www.univ-tlse1.fr/ceriss/soc/perso/Amblard/index.html

Thierry Faure

Thierry Faure got a PhD in physics. The he became a researcher in the Laboratoire d’Ingénierie des Systèmes Complexes, Irstea, in 2000. His research interests are on the exploration of simulation models using adequate experimental designs. He applies these exploration approaches to ecosystem and social system simulations.

Avenue des Landais

Email: thierry.faure@cemagref.fr


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