Hong Zhang
Hong Zhang received the doctor degree in economics co-granted by Renmin University of China and Hong Kong Polytechnic University. She is a professor in the Department of Construction Management of Tsinghua University in Beijing now. Her current research interests include the behavioral and experimental real estate, real estate economics, real estate finance, land management and real estate corporation governance. She is also a part-time professor for Northwestern Polytechnic University and the member of the Youth Academia Branch of China Land Academy as well as a council member of Chinese Research Institute of Construction Management.
Tsinghua University
Haidian District
Email: yueshuyiren@163.com
Please direct correspondence about this article to Hong Zhang
Yue Wang
Yue Wang received her bachelor degree in engineering management from School of Economics and Management of Beijing Jiaotong University in 2011. She is now a Master student in the Department of Construction Management of Tsinghua University. Her research interests include real estate economics, real estate finance and land management.
Room 426
Building 10
Tsinghua University
Email: yueshuyiren@163.com
Yin Lin
Yin Lin received her bachelor and master degree in the Department of Construction Management of Tsinghua University in 2008 and 2010. Her research interests include real estate economics, real estate finance, and housing market simulation.
Building 10
Tsinghua University
Email: YinLin123@126.com
Yang Zhang
Yang Zhang received his bachelor degree in engineering management from School of Civil Engineering of Southeast University in 2005 and master degree in management science and engineering from Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture in 2009. He is now a Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Construction Management of Tsinghua University. His research interests include the behavioral and experimental real estate, real estate finance, and real estate economics.
Building 10
Tsinghua University
Email: zhang-yang10@mails.tsinghua.edu.cn
Michael J. Seiler
Michael J. Seiler is the founding Director of the Institute for Behavioral and Experimental Real Estate (www.IBERE.org) and Professor and Robert M. Stanton Endowed Chair of Real Estate and Economic Development at Old Dominion University. Professor Seiler is an internationally recognized behavioral real estate researcher whose studies have been cited in the Wall Street Journal, New York Times, LA Times, Washington Post, CBS Market Watch, and Smart Money Magazine. Dr. Seiler has published over 100 research studies, has written several books, and serves as the editor of Real Estate Finance and the co-editor of Journal of Real Estate Literature (JREL). In 2009, Dr. Seiler received the William N. Kinnard Young Scholar Award, a national recognition for making significant contributions in his field. More recently, his work on strategic mortgage default and foreclosure contagion was awarded the Governor's Technology Award in the area of Modeling & Simulation.
2154 Constant Hall
United States
Email: mseiler@odu.edu
Web: http://www.bpa.odu.edu/bpa/faculty/seiler.shtml
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