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Francisco José León Medina

His PhD research focused on labor process and collective action. After completion of his PhD, FJLM worked on the Autònoma University of Barcelona and as GSADI researcher in funded projects before leaving to take a post in UdG.

Department of Business (Sociology Unit)
Faculty of Economics
University of Girona (UdG)

Email: francisco.leon@udg.edu
Web: http://www.udg.edu/professorat/Planapersonal/tabid/8656/ID/2002022/language/en-US/Default.aspx

Francisco José Miguel Quesada

FM has a background in use of novel computational tools for sociological research, in particular, agent-based modeling. His PhD (2001) work focused on the development of a decisional model on purchasing personal computers, out from personal retrospective in-depth interviews. FM subsequent postdoctoral work focused on school-to-work transition, and the use of events history analysis, at the GRET. Current work is focused on developing agent-based models in a range of fields, as tax behavior -in current societies- or cultural identity emergence -in prehistoric societies-. Since 2011 FM is the Head of Laboratory for Socio-historical Dynamics Simulation (LSDS) at UAB.

Department of Sociology
Faculty of Political Science and Sociology
Autònoma University of Barcelona

Email: miguel.quesada@uab.cat
Web: http://gsadi.uab.cat/index.php/members/uab-members/fj-miguel-quesada

Please direct correspondence about this article to Francisco José Miguel Quesada

Vanessa Alcaide Lozano

Her research focuses on the area of quantitative and qualitative methodology, social capital and social network analysis. Prior to this, VA worked as QUIT researcher in different projects about gender, labour market and prisons and as associated professor at the Autònoma University of Barcelona. VA's PhD research was undertaken at the Autònoma University of Barcelona, and deal with of the labour careers, social capital and personal networks. VA is member of the Copolis (Welfare, Community and Social Control) project at University of Barcelona (UB).

Department of Sociology and Analysis of the Organizations
Faculty of Economics and Business
University of Barcelona (UB)

Email: valcaide@ub.edu


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