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Nils Schuhmacher

Nils Schuhmacher studied Applied System Sciences at the University of Osnabrück (Germany). Since October 2012, he is working at the department of developmental psychology at the University of Münster.

University of Münster
Department pf Developmental Psychology
Fliednerstr. 21

Email: nils.schuhmacher@uni-muenster.de
Web: http://www.uni-muenster.de/PsyIFP/AEKaertner/team/nilsschuhmacher.html

Please direct correspondence about this article to Nils Schuhmacher

Laura Ballato

Laura Ballato studied Psychology at the University of Turin (Italy). In October 1999, she participated in the Socrates Exchanging Program and moved one year to Groningen, the Netherlands. After her graduation, she moved back to Groningen for a research internship. In 2003, she started her PhD on the development of risk behaviors and friendship interactions during adolescence at the Department of Developmental Psychology of the University of Groningen from which she received a grant from the Ubbo Emmius foundation. Since September 2008, she is working as psychologist and academic adviser at the Department of Psychology of the University of Groningen.

University of Groningen
Grote Kruisstraat 2/1
9712 TS Groningen

Email: l.ballato@rug.nl

Paul van Geert

Paul van Geert is professor of Developmental Psychology. His research involves longitudinal research into childhood, paying particular attention to cognitive changes, language and socio-cognitive developments. He tries to predict and explain various aspects of development on the basis of chaos theory. Van Geert started his career in his home country of Belgium, where he studied Psychology and Educational Sciences at Ghent University. He gained his PhD in Developmental Psychology with a thesis on language development in 1975, and has worked at the University of Groningen since 1976.

Faculty of Behavioural and Social Sciences, Developmental Psychology " Department Developmental Psychology
Grote Kruisstraat 2/1
9712 TS Groningen

Email: p.l.c.van.geert@rug.nl
Web: http://www.paulvangeert.nl/


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