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Márcia Baptista

Marcia Baptista received her Master degree in Computer Engineering from Instituto Superior Técnico at the University of Lisbon. Her Master thesis was on the application of the agent-based approach to business simulation games. Her work on this subject has received a best paper nomination in ABSEL 2014 for “Applying Agent-Based Modeling To Business Simulations” and a Best Paper Award in 2014 from the Serious Games Society for “Improving Learning in Business Simulations with an Agent-Based Approach”. Her research interests include artificial intelligence, machine learning and multi-agent systems.

Instituto Superior Tecnico
Universidade de Lisboa
Av. Prof. Dr. Anibal Cavaco Silva
2744-016 Porto Salvo, Portugal

Email: marcia.baptista@ist.utl.pt
Web: http://scholar.google.pt/citations?user=Ao_gtXcAAAAJ&hl=pt-PT

Please direct correspondence about this article to Márcia Baptista

Carlos Roque Martinho

Carlos Martinho received his Master and Doctoral degrees in Computer Engineering from Instituto Superior Técnico at the University of Lisbon. He is an assistant professor at the Department of Computer Science and Engineering of Instituto Superior Técnico at the University of Lisbon and a member of GAIPS, Intelligent Agents and Synthetic Character Group at INESC-ID. His research interests include computer graphics, human-computer interaction, game design, artificial intelligence, anticipatory computing, and affective computing.

Av. Prof. Dr. Aníbal Cavaco Silva
Porto Salvo

Email: carlos.martinho@ist.utl.pt
Web: http://scholar.google.pt/citations?user=fSILbggAAAAJ&hl=pt-PT&oi=ao

Francisco Lima

Francisco Miguel Garcia Goncalves de Lima received his Master and Doctoral degrees in Economics from New University of Lisbon. He is an assistant professor at the Department of Engineering and Management of Instituto Superior Técnico at the University of Lisbon and the vice-president of the Management Study Center of Instituto Superior Técnico. His research interests include applied microeconomics, labor economics, personnel economics and innovation.

Av. Prof. Dr. Aníbal Cavaco Silva
Porto Salvo

Email: francisco.lima@ist.utl.pt
Web: https://fenix.ist.utl.pt/homepage/ist14367

Pedro A. Santos

Pedro Alexandre dos Santos received his Master degree in Mathematics from Instituto Superior Técnico at the University of Lisbon and Doctoral degree in Mathematics from Technische Universitat Chemnitz. He is an assistant professor at the Department of Mathematics of Instituto Superior Técnico at the University of Lisbon and a member of GAIPS, Intelligent Agents and Synthetic Character Group at INESC-ID. His research interests include operator algebra, game design, game theory and artificial intelligence.

Av. Prof. Dr. Aníbal Cavaco Silva
Porto Salvo

Email: pasantos@math.ist.utl.pt
Web: http://www.math.ist.utl.pt/~pasantos/

Helmut Prendinger

Helmut Prendinger received his Master and Doctoral degrees in Logic and Artificial Intelligence from the University of Salzburg. He is a full professor at the National Institute of Informatics, Tokyo. Previously, he held positions as research associate and JSPS postdoctoral fellow at the University of Tokyo. In 1996, he was a junior specialist at the University of California, Irvine. His research interests include artificial intelligence, networked massively multiuser 3D virtual worlds, Intelligent Transport Systems, animated agents, and affective computing, in which areas he has published more than 200 peer-reviewed papers in international journals and conferences. He is a member of IEEE and ACM.

National Institute of Informatics
2-1-2 Hitotsubashi
Tokyo 101-8430, Japan

Email: helmut@nii.ac.jp
Web: http://research.nii.ac.jp/~prendinger/


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