Volume 17, Issue 3
June 2014
Refereed articles
Virtual Fieldwork: Modeling Observer Bias in Kinship and Marriage Alliance Networks
Klaus Hamberger and Floriana GargiuloStudying Web Content Credibility by Social Simulation
Adam Wierzbicki, Paulina Adamska, Katarzyna Abramczuk, Thanasis Papaioannou, Karl Aberer and Emilia RejmundModelling Society's Evolutionary Forces
Tim GoodingUsing an Agent-Based Model to Simulate the Development of Risk Behaviors During Adolescence
Nils Schuhmacher, Laura Ballato and Paul van GeertZero-Knowledge Traders
Ernesto CarrellaEnhancing Recycling of Construction Materials: An Agent Based Model with Empirically Based Decision Parameters
Christof Knoeri, Igor Nikolic, Hans-Joerg Althaus and Claudia R. BinderThe Effects of Group Composition and Social Preference Heterogeneity in a Public Goods Game: An Agent-Based Simulation
Pablo Lucas, Angela C.M. de Oliveira and Sheheryar BanuriImproving Learning in Business Simulations with an Agent-Based Approach
Márcia Baptista, Carlos Roque Martinho, Francisco Lima, Pedro A. Santos and Helmut PrendingerA Novel Private Attitude and Public Opinion Dynamics Model for Simulating Pluralistic Ignorance and Minority Influence
Chung-Yuan Huang and Tzai-Hung Wen
LIAM2: a New Open Source Development Tool for Discrete-Time Dynamic Microsimulation Models
Gaëtan de Menten, Gijs Dekkers, Geert Bryon, Philippe Liégeois and Cathal O'DonoghueFacilitating Parameter Estimation and Sensitivity Analysis of Agent-Based Models: A Cookbook Using NetLogo and 'R'
Jan C. Thiele, Winfried Kurth and Volker Grimm
Minding Norms: Mechanisms and Dynamics of Social Order in Agent Societies (Oxford Series on Cognitive Models and Architectures)
Conte, Rosaria, Andrighetto, Giulia and Campennl, Marco (eds.)
Reviewed by Warren ThorngateSimulating Innovation: Computer-Based Tools for Rethinking Innovation
Watts, Christopher and Gilbert, Nigel
Reviewed by Mercedes BledaThe New Science of Cities
Batty, Michael
Reviewed by Mike BithellComputational Approaches to Studying the Co-Evolution of Networks and Behavior in Social Dilemmas (Wiley Series in Computational and Quantitative Social Science)
Corten, Rense
Reviewed by Simone GabbrielliniSocial Learning: An Introduction to Mechanisms, Methods, and Models
Hoppitt, William and Laland, Kevin N.
Reviewed by Francesc S. BeltranInnovations in Agent-Based Complex Automated Negotiations (Studies in Computational Intelligence)
Ito, Takayuki, Zhang, Minjie and Robu, Valentin (eds.)
Reviewed by Bruce EdmondsSimulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications: International Conference, SIMULTECH 2012 Rome, Italy, July 28-31, 2012 Revised ... in Intelligent Systems and Computing)
Obaidat, Mohammad S., Filipe, Joaquim, Kacprzyk, Janusz and Pina, Nuno (eds.)
Reviewed by Juan Bautista Cabotà
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