Moira Zellner
Moira Zellner is an associate professor in the Department of Urban Planning and Policy and a research assistant professor in the Institute for Environmental Science and Policy at UIC. Having completed her undergraduate degree in ecology in Argentina, she pursued graduate studies in urban and regional planning and in complex systems at the University of Michigan. Her research involves assessing the environmental impacts of urbanization and exploring how to enhance the sustainability and resilience of urban areas through policy and behavioral change. Her work also examines the applicability of complexity theory and complexity-based models to policy exploration and social learning.
412 S. Peoria St. (MC 348)
United States
Please direct correspondence about this article to Moira Zellner
Cristy Watkins
Cristy Watkins is a social science post doctoral researcher with the Field Museum and the Chicago Wilderness science team. She collaborates heavily with researchers from the US Forest Service, UIC, DePaul University, and UIUC. As part of the RESTORE project, she explores the social context of ecological restoration, and the impact of decision-making processes on ecological outcomes. Her past work focused on attitudes and behaviors towards forest management and resource use in Uganda. She holds a B.A. and M.A. in anthropology and in 2009 she received her PhD from the University of Michigan’s School of Natural Resources and Environment.
United States
Dean Massey
Dean Massey is a Master’s student in the Department of Urban Planning and Policy, and a researcher with the Institute for Environmental Science and Policy at the University of Illinois at Chicago. He has worked on projects developing agent-based models of integrated land-use and hydrologic processes, transportation, and collective decision-making.
United States
Lynne Westphal
Lynne M. Westphal, PhD, is Project Leader and Research Social Scientist with the US Forest Service, Northern Research Station in Chicago, Illinois (USA). She manages the People and Their Environments research work unit. Recent research investigated the impacts of organizational structure on biodiversity outcomes in Oakland restoration; simultaneous ecological and economic revitalization of a rustbelt landscape; farming community ideas for future farm landscapes that effectively incorporate ecosystem services; and neighborhood level climate friendly practices in Chicago. She co-chairs the Chicago Wilderness Science Team.
United States
Jeremy Brooks
Jeremy Brooks has a PhD in Human Ecology from the University of California, Davis. He is currently an Assistant Professor in the School of Environment and Natural Resources at The Ohio State University. He is broadly interested in the social dimensions of sustainable development. More specifically, he is interested in the evolutionary dynamics between individual behaviors and broader social norms and institutions, particularly in the context of natural resource management and community-based conservation.
United Kingdom
Kristen Ross
Kristen Ross is an urban restoration ecologist currently working as a research associate at Green Mountain College in Poultney, Vermont. In collaboration with researchers from the Field Museum, DePaul University, and the US Forest Service, she worked as a post-doctoral researcher studying the relationship between the social structure of regional conservation organizations and the ecological outcomes resulting from restoration. Her research interests include ecosystem effects of invasive species, plant-soil feedbacks, and the restoration of degraded urban forests. She holds a B.S. in Natural Resources from University of Michigan and a PhD in Ecology & Evolution from Rutgers University.
United States
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