Tieju Ma
Dr. Tieju Ma is a professor at School of Business, East China University of Science and Technology. He is also a research scholar of the Transition to New Technology Program at International Institute of Applied Systems Analysis. He got his bachelor degree (1998) in Management Science and master degree (2000) in Systems Engineering from Dalian University, China. He got his PHD (2003) in Knowledge Science from Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology.
Meilong Road 130
Email: tjma@ecust.edu.cn
Please direct correspondence about this article to Tieju Ma
Jiangjiang Zhao
Jiangjiang Zhao is a Ph.D. candidate at the School of Business, East China University of Science and Technology
School of Business
East China University of Science and Technology
Meilong Road 130
Shanghai 200237
Email: zhaojiangjiang1989@gmail.com
Shijian Xiang
Shijian Xiang is a Ph.D. candidate at the School of Business, East China University of Science and Technology
Email: 33720808@qq.com
Ya Zhu
Ya Zhu is a Ph.D. candidate at the School of Business, East China University of Science and Technology
Email: 272291753@qq.com
Peipei Liu
Peipei Liu Zhao is a Master candidate at the School of Business, East China University of Science and Technology
Email: liupeipei1102@126.com
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