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Kim M. Bloomquist

Kim Bloomquist is an External Affiliate Researcher with the Krasnow Institute for Advanced Study at George Mason University, Fairfax, Virginia and a Senior Economist with the U.S. Internal Revenue Service's Office of Research.

10412 Stallworth Court
United States

Email: kbloomq@gmail.com
Web: http://tarc.exeter.ac.uk/people/internationalfellows/k_bloomquist/

Please direct correspondence about this article to Kim M. Bloomquist

Matt Koehler

Matt Koehler (mkohler@mitre.org) is the Applied Complexity Sciences Area Lead for the US Treasury/National Economic Infrastructure Division within the Center for Enterprise Modernization at the MITRE Corporation. He has been with MITRE for more nearly ten years during which time he has worked with most MITRE centers on a wide variety of topics. Before joining MITRE Matt was a Presidential Management Fellow at the Center for Army Analysis. Matt has an AB in Anthropology from Kenyon College, a MPA from Indiana University, a JD from George Washington University, and a PhD in Computational Social Science from George Mason University. He attended the Santa Fe Institute’s Complex Systems Summer School in 2000, was a Santa Fe Institute Business Network Fellow (2011-2012).

7515 Colshire Dr.
Mailstop H305
McLean VA
United States

Email: mkoehler@mitre.org
Web: http://css.gmu.edu/koehler


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