Shahram Haydari
Shahram Haydari is currently a PhD Candidate in Law and Public Policy Program at Northeastern University. His research interest includes computational social science and studying complex systems through data science and data modeling. He holds Master of Science in Socio Economic Systems from Tarbiat Modares University in Tehran – Iran where he defended his thesis on “Forecasting Stock Market Index using Data Mining and Rough Set Theory.” He also holds an MBA from Clark University in Worcester MA where he was elected to the membership of Beta Gamma Sigma, the national honor society for students of management.
360 Huntington Ave
United States
Please direct correspondence about this article to Shahram Haydari
Rory Smead
Rory Smead is an Assistant Professor in the department of Philosophy & Religion at Northeastern University. His research interests include game theory, philosophy of biology and philosophy of science. He has published several articles using mathematical models to investigate the evolution of social behavior including cooperation, communication, spite and learning. He received his PhD in Philosophy from the University of California, Irvine in 2009 and was a tutorial fellow at the London School of Economics from 2009-2010.
360 Huntington Ave
371 Holmes Hall
Boston MA 02115
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