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SeHoon Lee

SeHoon Lee is a master’s student at Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, KAIST. He received a BE degree in Industrial and Systems Engineering from KAIST in 2012. His research focuses on the disaster management and social management.

291 Daehak-ro
South Korea

Email: shlee0814@kaist.ac.kr

Jeong Hee Hong

Jeong Hee Hong, PhD, is a post-doctoral researcher at the Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, KAIST, Daejeon, Republic of Korea. Her theoretical research focuses on systems engineering, for example, discrete event systems modeling and simulation, simulation-based optimization, and distributed simulation. Her practical research includes high-level architecture (HLA) and large-scale system simulation such as defense systems.

291 Daehak-ro
South Korea

Email: jeonghee.hong@kaist.ac.kr

Please direct correspondence about this article to Jeong Hee Hong

Jang Won Bae

Jang Won Bae, MSE, is a doctoral student at the Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, KAIST, Daejeon, Republic of Korea. His research focuses on discrete event system modeling and simulation, agent-based modeling and simulation, interoperation of simulations, hybrid simulation methodology, and optimization via simulation.

291 Daehak-ro
South Korea

Email: repute82@kaist.ac.kr

Il-Chul Moon

Il-Chul Moon, PhD, is an assistant professor at the Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, KAIST, Daejeon, Republic of Korea. His theoretical research focuses on the overlapping area of computer science, management, sociology, and operations research. His practical research includes military command and control analysis, counterterrorism analysis, intelligence analysis, and disaster management.

291 Daehak-ro
South Korea

Email: icmoon@kaist.ac.kr
Web: http://seslab.kaist.ac.kr/


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