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Fernando Fonseca

Fernando Fonseca is researcher at the Centre for Territory, Environment and Construction of University of Minho, Portugal. Urban and spatial planning is his field of research. Industrial parks have been is main field of work and the topic of his PhD thesis concluded in 2014, when he started his activity as invited Assistant Professor at the School of Engineering of University of Minho.

Departamento de Engenharia Civil
Escola de Engenharia
Campus de Gualtar

Email: ffonseka@gmail.com

Please direct correspondence about this article to Fernando Fonseca

Rui António Rodrigues Ramos

Rui Ramos is Associate Professor of Civil Engineering at the School of Engineering of University of Minho, Portugal, where he started his regular work as lecturer and researcher in 1993. His area of expertise is urban and regional planning and he is a senior researcher in territorial planning and governance at the Centre for Territory, Environment and Construction.

Campus de Gualtar
4710-057 Braga

Email: rui.ramos@civil.uminho.pt

Antônio Nélson Rodrigues da Silva

Antônio Nélson Rodrigues da Silva is Full Professor at the School of Engineering of São Carlos, University of São Paulo, Brazil, where he works since 1990. His areas of research include urban and transportation planning and the application of emergent techniques in the planning domain.

Avenida Trabalhador são-carlense
CEP 13566-590 - São Carlos - SP

Email: anelson@sc.usp.br


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