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Liang Mao

Liang Mao joined in the Department of Geography at the University of Florida as a tenure-track assistant professor in 2010. He teaches courses regarding medical geography, fundamentals of GIS, GIS models for public health, Network analysis, and Geostatistical analysis. Dr. Liang Mao is a well-trained spatial epidemiologist with a specialization in geographic analysis and modeling of complex human-disease systems. He had played an important role in a number of research projects, funded by NIH, NRC, and universities, to model mobile individuals, their social network, and their interactions with diseases, such as the transmission of diseases and preventive behavior against disease. His recent research interest has been focused on integrating big cellphone/GPS tracking data into health studies, for instance, epidemic modeling and exposure estimation.

3141 Turlington Hall
P.O. Box 117315
Amherst, NY
United States

Email: liangmao@ufl.edu
Web: http://geog.ufl.edu/people/faculty/mao/

Please direct correspondence about this article to Liang Mao


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