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Clémentine Cottineau

Clémentine Cottineau holds a PhD in Geography from the University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne (2014). Her thesis was about the specificity of the Soviet urban processes and patterns, using statistical and simulation models as generic benchmarks to assess this specificity. As a research associate at the Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis (UCL), she now works more generally on size effects and socioeconomic inequality in european systems of cities.

13 rue du Four
5e étage
équipe P.A.R.I.S

Email: clementine.cottineau@iscpif.fr

Please direct correspondence about this article to Clémentine Cottineau

Paul Chapron

Paul Chapron holds a PhD from the university of Toulouse Capitole. His thesis deals with the modeling and analysis of the structure of power relations among actors in social organizations, and their effects on behavior regulation. His interest are in social simulation , social systems modeling and analysis, applied to sociology and geography. His is currently a postdoc at the university of Lausanne, studying the dynamics of innovation networks.

13 rue du Four
5e étage
équipe P.A.R.I.S.
75006 Paris

Email: paul.chapron@iscpif.fr
Web: http://paul.chapron@gmail.com

Romain Reuillon

Romain Reuillon got his Ph.D. in Computer Science in 2008 on stochastic simulations in distributed execution environments. He works now at the geography laboratory of the CNRS Géographie-cités and the at the complex-system institute of Paris (ISC-PIF). His research deals with distributed computing for modeling and for model evaluation. He is also head of the OpenMOLE platform

13 rue du Four
5e étage
équipe P.A.R.I.S.
75006 Paris

Email: romain.reuillon@iscpif.fr


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