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Volume 22, Issue 2

March 2019

Refereed articles

Synchronizing Histories of Exposure and Demography: The Construction of an Agent-Based Model of the Ecuadorian Amazon Colonization and Exposure to Oil Pollution Hazards
   Noudéhouénou Lionel Jaderne Houssou, Juan Durango Cordero, Audren Bouadjio-Boulic, Lucie Morin, Nicolas Maestripieri, Sylvain Ferrant, Mahamadou Belem, Jose Ignacio Pelaez Sanchez, Melio Saenz, Emilie Lerigoleur, Arnaud Elger, Benoit Gaudou, Laurence Maurice and Mehdi Saqalli

Network Meta-Metrics: Using Evolutionary Computation to Identify Effective Indicators of Epidemiological Vulnerability in a Livestock Production System Model
   Serge Wiltshire, Asim Zia, Christopher Koliba, Gabriela Bucini, Eric Clark, Scott Merrill, Julie Smith and Susan Moegenburg

Path Dependency and Adaptation: The Effects of Policy on Migration Systems
   Miranda Simon

Simulating the Actions of Commuters Using a Multi-Agent System
   Neil Urquhart, Simon Powers, Zoe Wall, Achille Fonzone, Jiaqi Ge and J. Gary Polhill

Role of Trust in a Self-Organizing Pharmaceutical Supply Chain Model with Variable Good Quality and Imperfect Information
   Graeme J. Ackland, Edmund Chattoe-Brown, Heather Hamill, Kate R. Hampshire, Simon Mariwah and Gerry Mshana

Endogenous Changes in Public Opinion Dynamics
   Francisco J. León-Medina

The Evolution of Tribalism: A Social-Ecological Model of Cooperation and Inter-Group Conflict Under Pastoralism
   Nicholas Seltzer

Participatory Modeling and Simulation with the GAMA Platform
   Patrick Taillandier, Arnaud Grignard, Nicolas Marilleau, Damien Philippon, Quang-Nghi Huynh, Benoit Gaudou and Alexis Drogoul

ABOOMS: Overcoming the Hurdles of Continuous-Time Public Goods Games with a Simulation-Based Approach
   Tuong Manh Vu, Christian Wagner and Peer-Olaf Siebers

Review of Modelling and Simulating Crowds at Mass Gathering Events: Hajj as a Case Study
   Almoaid Owaidah, Doina Olaru, Mohammed Bennamoun, Ferdous Sohel and Nazim Khan


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