Volume 23, Issue 4
October 2020
Refereed articles
Halting SARS-CoV-2 by Targeting High-Contact Individuals
Gianluca Manzo and Arnout van de RijtThe Unknown of the Pandemic: An Agent-Based Model of Final Phase Risks
Marco Cremonini and Samira MaghoolA Hybrid Agent-Based and Equation Based Model for the Spread of Infectious Diseases
Elizabeth Hunter, Brian Mac Namee and John KelleherRecovUS: An Agent-Based Model of Post-Disaster Household Recovery
Saeed Moradi and Ali NejatSeed Selection Strategies for Information Diffusion in Social Networks: An Agent-Based Model Applied to Rural Zambia
Beatrice Nöldeke, Etti Winter and Ulrike GroteAgent-Based Modelling of Values: The Case of Value Sensitive Design for Refugee Logistics
Christine Boshuijzen-van Burken, Ross Gore, Frank Dignum, Lamber Royakkers, Phillip Wozny and F. LeRon ShultsGregarious Behavior, Human Colonization and Social Differentiation: An Agent-Based Model
Sebastian Fajardo, Gert Jan Hofstede, Martijn de Vries, Mark Kramer and Andrés BernalIndirect Reciprocity with Contagious Reputation in Large-Scale Small-World Networks
Markus NeumannModeling Cultural Dissemination and Divergence Between Rural and Urban Regions
Nicholas LaBerge, Aria Chaderjian, Victor Ginelli, Margrethe Jebsen and Adam LandsbergWorkSim: An Agent-Based Model of Labor Markets
Jean-Daniel Kant, Gérard Ballot and Olivier GoudetModel Exploration of an Information-Based Healthcare Intervention Using Parallelization and Active Learning
Chaitanya Kaligotla, Jonathan Ozik, Nicholson Collier, Charles M. Macal, Kelly Boyd, Jennifer Makelarski, Elbert S. Huang and Stacy T. LindauLeveraging Modularity During Replication of High-Fidelity Models: Lessons from Replicating an Agent-Based Model for HIV Prevention
Wouter Vermeer, Arthur Hjorth, Samuel M. Jenness, C Hendrick Brown and Uri WilenskyBEN: An Architecture for the Behavior of Social Agents
Mathieu Bourgais, Patrick Taillandier and Laurent VercouterHousing Market Agent-Based Simulation with Loan-To-Value and Debt-To-Income
Tae-Sub Yun and Il-Chul Moon![]()
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