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Klaus Auer was born in Linz a. d. Donau/Austria in 1961. He worked as an engineer and designer in motor and car construction and then undertook studies of Anthropology, Geography and Ibero/Latinamerican History at the University of Cologne. In July 1997 he completed an MA Thesis on "Rollenzuweisung und soziale Unterstützung in Ensenada. Ein Random-Walk durch eine mexikanische Stadt." (in German). Since Oct.1997 he has been at the Wissenschaftliche Hilfskraft at the University of Cologne (Leibniz programm). He is an Affiliated Researcher at "The Mountain Institute" (Andean Programm) in the Department of Anthropology at the University of Colgne.

Department of Anthropology
University of Cologne

email: claudio_arriero@hotmail.com
web: http://www.uni-koeln.de/phil-fak/voelkerkunde/institut/auer_e.htm

Tim Norris has been doing freelance mapping and research work for the past five years after his graduation with a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Environmental Science from the University of California at Berkeley.

Projects have included:

Tim Norris also has been developing small commercial enterprises such as LongRoad Records, a small record company dedicated to publishing folk music of the world (see http://longroad.tunes-online.com/ ), and Nawi Mapas, an enterprise to provide Huaraz Peru with a portal web site, including interactive maps and tourist information, available to the commercial and consumer communities in Huaraz and the world (see http://huaylas.com/).

Department of Geography
UC Berkeley

email: tibben@ocf.berkeley.edu

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