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Wolfgang Kerber, born in 1958, is Professor of Economics at the University of Marburg. His research focuses on evolutionary market and competition theory, competition policy, evolutionary economics, institutional economics (esp. law and economics), and European integration. Currently he is working on interjurisdictional competition / competitive federalism and regulatory competition of corporate laws (esp. in regard to European integration) from an evolutionary point of view, evolutionary approaches to economic policy issues, and European and international competition policy. Besides numerous papers on the above-mentioned research fields, he has published two books about competition theory and policy, edited a volume of articles by F.A. v. Hayek, and is co-editing a volume about information problems and regulations in European contract law.

FB Wirtschaftswissenschaften
Philipps-Universität Marburg
Universitätsstr. 25A
D-35032 Marburg

Email: kerber@wiwi.uni-marburg.de
Web: http://www.uni-marburg.de/Lehrstuehle/VWL/WIPOL

Nicole J. Saam is assistant professor at the Institute of Sociology, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Germany. Her research focuses on modeling and simulation in the social sciences, sociology of organizations, political sociology, and Thai studies. Currently she is also working on simulating normative behavior in multi agent systems. Her organizational studies concentrate on consulting. She has published numerous papers on simulating sociological theories.

Institut für Soziologie
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
Konradstr. 6
80801 München

email: nicole.saam@soziologie.uni-muenchen.de
website: http://www.lrz-muenchen.de/~uf341eb/ls_ziegler/saam.html

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