Amy Perfors (2002)
Simulated Evolution of Language: a Review of the Field
Journal of Artificial Societies and Social
vol. 5, no. 2
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Received: 27-Sep-2000 Accepted: 11-Mar-2002 Published: 31-Mar-2002
Trigger Learning Algorithm: If the trigger is consistent with the learner's LAD:
- If the trigger can be analyzed with the current grammar, score the parsability of the trigger with the current grammar.
- Choose one parameter at random and flip its value.
- If the trigger can be analyzed with the new grammar, score the parsability of the trigger with the new grammar.
- With a certain predefined frequency carry out (a), otherwise (b):
(a) If the trigger can be analysed with the new grammar and its score is higher than the current grammar, or the trigger cannot be analysed with the current grammar, adopt the new grammar.
(b) If the trigger cannot be analysed with the current grammar, and the trigger can be analysed with the new grammar, adopt the new grammar.- Otherwise keep the current grammar
1.Grammar 1: S / eats(tiger,john) ? tigereatsjohn
2.Grammar 2: S / p(x,y) → N/x V/p N/y
- V / eats → eats
- N / tiger → tiger
- N / john → john
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