Rémy Courdier, François Guerrin, Fenintsoa Hary Andriamasinoro and Jean-Marie Paillat (2002)
Agent-based simulation of complex systems:
application to collective management of animal wastes
Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation
vol. 5, no. 3
To cite articles published in the Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation, please reference the above information and include paragraph numbers if necessary
Received: 9-Oct-2001 Accepted: 5-Jun-2002 Published: 30-Jun-2002
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Figure 1. Geamas agent model |
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Figure 2. Links between agents and situated object in Geamas |
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Figure 3. Observers and asynchronous message passing |
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Figure 4. The Geamas platform: relations between software modules |
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Figure 5. Interface for the creation and control of simulation scenarios of Geamas applied to Biomas |
(agent120.0) <02/03/02 12:03:44>agent120 action_type2 in 72 days
was sent by the agent agent120 on 02/03/2002 at 12h 03mn 44 seconds simulated date and time, to the TimeUnit agent which will awaken it 72 days later to perform a "type 2" action.
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Figure 6.
Figure 7 Attributes of Livestock farming agents in Biomas | |||
Agent | Symbolic attributes | Numeric attributes | Critical Thresholds |
Livestock Farming | Name Nature | Livestock size (nb.) Flux of waste (m3 /day) OM stock (m3 ) Stock capacity (m3 ) Auto-consumption (%) Degree of satisfaction (dmnl) | Offering Unloading |
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where VO are the quantities of the offer, VD the quantities desired and VT the quantities shipped over time (delivered to a crop farm or unloaded from a livestock farm).
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Figure 8. Agent-Situated object links in Biomas |
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Figure 9. Negotiation between producer, consumer, shipper and initiated actions; the simulation time is represented on the axis to the right of the figure |
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Figure 10. Biomas application layer design diagram |
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Figure 11. Data describing an illegal dumping zone (IDZ) obtained by simulation - Duration 10 months: (A) without WTF; (B) with WTF |
This second scenario includes a total of 195 agents: the 186 agents of the base scenario, augmented by one Group agent, 1 WTF Executive agent, 1 WTF agent, 1 Shipper of treated wastes, and 5 Storage Units (1 per OMP group member). The two scenarios differ only in regard to the existence of a WTF and its associated agents. We note that a sole OMP role agent can possess 1, 2, or 3 livestock installations and that only 5 of these agents are affiliated with the WTF. This is initialized at 60 m3 ,the maximal value of the entry reservoir.
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Figure 12. Evolution of arriving and departing stocks for the WTF |
2 The simulation of the totality of the activities of Grand-Ilet encompasses nearly 500 agents if one adds to farmers, subordinate agents such as crops, means of shipping, waste treatment facilities, livestock activities. We note that these are "cognitive" agents with rather elaborate behavioral rules (decision, negotiation, action ...).
The WTF agent (WTF_1) alerts its WTF Executive agent (ex_WTF_1): <07/16/00 06:32:35> WTF_1 orders 60 m3 of slurry to ex_WTF_1 This one contacts the executants of the acquaintanceship network: <07/16/00 06:35:37> ex_WTF_1 orders 60 m3 of slurry to farmer_1000 <07/16/00 06:36:48> ex_WTF_1 orders 60 m3 of slurry to farmer_2010 ... These agents confirm reception of the message and answer positively (farmer_1000) or negatively (farmer_1001): <07/16/00 06:42:39> farmer_1000 receives the order of 60 m3 of slurry from ex_WTF_1 <07/16/00 06:45:33> farmer_1000 proposes 11 m3 of slurry to ex_WTF_1 ... <07/16/00 06:52:37> farmer_1001 does'nt have slurry <07/16/00 06:56:45> farmer_1001 sends a refusal to ex_WTF_1 The WTF Executive agent (ex_WTF_1) receives the answers, analyses them and makes its decision: <07/16/00 07:07:45> ex_WTF_1 receives the proposal of 11 m3 of slurry from farmer_1000 <07/16/00 07:08:39> ex_WTF_1 receives the proposal of 56 m3 of slurry from farmer_2026 ... <07/16/00 16:45:40> ex_WTF_1 is interested by 49 m3from farmer_2026 The Executant agent (farmer_2026) confirms and prepares the delivery (because it has a shipping ship_2026_C): <07/16/00 16:51:43> farmer_2026 can satisfy the order of 49 m3 of slurry <07/16/00 16:54:43> farmer_2026 chooses the livestock ls2026_LP ... <07/16/00 18:15:48> farmer_2026 sends a delivery order to ship_2026_C The shipping capacity being less than the desired quantity, the shipping requires 14 round-trips: <07/16/00 18:20:39> ship_2026_C takes away 3.5 m3 from the stock of ls2026_LP <07/16/00 18:20:39> ls2026_LP's stock diminishes by 3.5 m3 after ship_2026_C passes <07/16/00 19:00:30> ship_2026_C delivers 3.5 m3of slurry to WTF_1 <07/16/00 19:00:30> WTF_1 receives 3.5 m3of slurry from ship_2026_C ...
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