C. van Dijkum, J. van Mens-Verhulst, E. van Kuijk and N. Lam (2002)
System Dynamic Experiments with Non-linearity and a Rate of Learning:
the development of chronic fatigue complaints
Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation
vol. 5, no. 3
To cite articles published in the Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation, please reference the above information and include paragraph numbers if necessary
Received: 24-Mar-2002 Accepted: 12-Jun-2002 Published: 30-Jun-2002
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Figure 1. The basic causal diagram of our self-regulation model |
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Table 1. An excerpt from a diary |
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Figure 2. An extended causal diagram of the variables used in our model |
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Figure 3. The action variables and their relative strengths Numbers stand for weighting coefficients |
Equation 1
Rest = if Knowledge_Lifestyle=0 then round(.6*Hindrance_complaint) else round( .6*Hindrance_complaint*Knowledge_Lifestyle) Rest = if .4* Hindrance>=.5 then 1 else 0However, it was assumed that the decision underlying the action will be influenced by the knowledge that someone has of its effects. Past success should increase the chance of it being re-used. This assumption has been modelled in an embedded 'if', by using the knowledge variables (KLA, KSC or KPC) as multiplier. An example of such an equation is:
Equation 2
Rest = if Knowledge_Lifestyle=0 then round(.6*Hindrance_complaint) else round( .6*Hindrance_complaint*Knowledge_Lifestyle)
Equation 3
ΔLevel_of_complaints/Δt = New_complaints - Recovery
Equation 4
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Figure 4. The changes in one individual of levels of complaint (LC) and lifestyle_actions (LSA) over a period of 50 days |
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Figure 5. Changes in complaint levels (LC), Lifestyle_actions and Knowledge_Lifestyle for one individual over a period of 50 days |
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Figure 6. The 'Development of Knowledge' life style (KLS) of 100 individuals with a constant rate of learning of 0.25, for a period of a year |
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Figure 7. The development in the level of knowledge about life-style (KLS) in a hundred people with different rates of learning (The Y-axis differs in scale) |
Vulnerability = Level_of_complaintsHowever, independent of the 'Level_of_Complaints', the maximum vulnerability will be 1 at the most. That means that - when vulnerability approaches the maximum of 1- the amount by which vulnerability is increased has to be near zero, also if the variable 'Level_of_Complaints' is very large. A simple mathematical expression which expresses this is:
Vulnerability = 1 - 1 / Level_of_complaintsThis equation should imply that vulnerability will be at a minimum when the Level_of_complaints is zero. To achieve this, one has to amend the reciprocal relation into:
Vulnerability = 1 - 1 / (Level_of_complaints + x)with such value of x that Vulnerability = 1 when Level_of_complaints = 0. The most simple equation which will be according these conditions is:
Vulnerability = 1-(1/(2+Level_of_complaints))Combined with the equations:
Random_complaints = RANDOM(0,1.5)it at last leads to the difference equation:
ΔLevel_of_complaints / Δt = ROUND[RANDOM(0, 15) * (1 - (1 / (2 + Level_of_complaints))]
(Time in days; dt is one day)
Level_of_complaints(t) = Level_of_complaints(t-dt) + (New_complaints - Recovery) * dt
INIT Level_of_complaints = 0
New_complaints = Chance_on_a_Complaint
Recovery =
if Level_of_complaints=0 then 0
if round(Profcare_actions+Selfcare_actions+Lifestyle_actions)>=1 then 1
else 0
Chance_on_a_Complaint = round(Random_complaints*Vulnerability)
Random_complaints = RANDOM(0,1.5)
Vulnerability = 1-(1/(2+Level_of_complaints))
Knowledge_Lifestyle(t) = Knowledge_Lifestyle(t - dt) + (Lifestyle_learning) * dt
INIT Knowledge_Lifestyle = 0
Lifestyle_learning =
if Total_response=0 then 0
else if Lifestyle_actions=0 then 0
else ((Lifestyle_actions/Total_response*Recovery -Knowledge_Lifestyle)/Rate_of_learning)
Knowledge_Profcare(t) = Knowledge_Profcare(t - dt) + (Profcare_learning) * dt
INIT Knowledge_Profcare = 0
Profcare_learning =
if Total_response=0 then 0
else if Profcare_actions=0 then 0
else ((Profcare_actions/Total_response*Recovery)-Knowledge_Profcare)Rate_of_learning)
Knowledge_Selfcare(t) = Knowledge_Selfcare(t - dt) + (Selfcare_learning) * dt
INIT Knowledge_Selfcare = 0
Selfcare_learning =
if Total_response=0 then 0
else if Selfcare_actions=0 then 0
else ((Selfcare_actions/Total_response*Recovery)-Knowledge_Selfcare)/Rate_of_learning
Rate_of_learning = 1
Hindrance_complaint =
if Knowledge_actions=0 then (Level_of_complaints*(1+Worry_complaint))*(2-Reason_complaint)
else (Level_of_complaints*(1+Worry_complaint))*(1+Knowledge_actions)*(1+Reason_complaint)
Knowledge_actions = (Knowledge_Lifestyle+Knowledge_Profcare+Knowledge_Selfcare) / 3
Reason_complaint = .4
Worry_complaint = .6
Rest =
if Knowledge_Lifestyle=0 then round(.6*Hindrance_complaint)
else round( .6*Hindrance_complaint*Knowledge_Lifestyle)
Exercices =
if Knowledge_Lifestyle=0 then round(.4*Hindrance_complaint)
else round( .4*Hindrance_complaint*Knowledge_Lifestyle)
Lifestyle_actions =(.5*Rest+.5*Exercices)
Talking =
if Knowledge_Selfcare=0 then round( .5*Hindrance_complaint)
else round(.5*Hindrance_complaint*Knowledge_Selfcare)
HomeRemedies =
if Knowledge_Selfcare=0 then round(.3*Hindrance_complaint)
else round(.3*Hindrance_complaint*Knowledge_Selfcare)
Selfcare_actions = (.8*Talking+.2*HomeRemedies)
GP =
if Knowledge_Profcare=0 then round(.2*Hindrance_complaint)
else round( .2*Hindrance_complaint*Knowledge_Profcare)
PresMed =
if Knowledge_Profcare=0 then round(.5*Hindrance_complaint)
else round(.5*Hindrance_complaint*Knowledge_Profcare e)
Profcare_actions = (.8*GP+.2*PresMed)
Total_response = Lifestyle_actions+Profcare_actions+Selfcare_actions
2 Its theoretical maximum equals the number of simulated days.
3 Analytically viewed, it is easier to work with differential equations. However, with computer simulation, one works with difference equations, because computers have to operate with finite time steps.
4 Actually, the weights of the variables are inferred from unstandarized (linear regression) Betas of variables that discriminated between successes and failures of actions. The Betas were re-scaled for the clusters of (always positively interpreted) variables mentioned. The simulation model itself did not appear to be very sensitive to variation in these values.
5 The number 100 is quite arbitrary. It could also be 105. It is important, however, that the number is large enough to produce a qualitative interpretable pattern in the outcome, but not so large that it would take too much computer time. In any cae, the qualitative pattern of outcome is not sensitive to variations in the range of 100.
6 Prigogine (1980: 132) stated that in a critical region - near bifurcation - stochastic fluctuations drive the average. However, the pattern of the outcome has to be explained from the deterministic (internal) dynamics of the non-linear differential equations (e.g. p. 150). We are still exploring the intriguing combination of stochastic fluctuations and non-linear feedback cycles (see also Prigogine, pp. 123-127) to enable us to position our argument within the ongoing discussion about the relation between 'deterministic chaos' and 'stochastic fluctuation' (see also: Berliner 1992)
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