Carlos Gershenson (2002)
Philosophical Ideas on the Simulation of Social Behaviour
Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation
vol. 5, no. 3
To cite articles published in the Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation, please reference the above information and include paragraph numbers if necessary
Received: 21-May-2002 Accepted: 25-Jun-2002 Published: 30-Jun-2002
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Figure 1. The inductive method tests a theory of a system by matching predicted facts against observed facts (Steels, 1995). |
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Figure 2. The synthetic method builds up theories of a system attempting to construct an artificial system that exhibits the same capabilities of the natural system (Steels, 1995). |
2 Following the concept of purposeful behaviour of Rosenblueth and Wiener (1968).
3 For Castelfranchi (1998) a "social purpose" would be a "social goal".
4 For a general introduction to complex systems, see Bar-Yam (1997)
5 For the ontological difference between the relative being and absolute being, please refer to Gershenson (2001b; 2002).
6 A good example of this can be observed with random boolean networks (Kauffman, 1993; Gershenson, submitted).
7 This can be seen as a version of the "silly theorem problem" (Gershenson, 2001b): for any silly theorem, you can define infinite sets of axioms so that the silly theorem is consistent with the axioms.
8 Less incompletely speaking, we would say that the experience is based on the axioms (beliefs) and the reasonings (logical arguments) built upon the axioms, the reasonings are based upon the beliefs and experience, and beliefs are based upon reasonings and experience (Gershenson, 2002).
9 Again, we would have the "silly theorem problem" (Gershenson, 2001b).
10 This idea is clearly presented by Michael Arbib (1989), speaking about brain models: "a model that simply duplicates the brain is no more illuminating than the brain itself" (p. 8). For understanding complex systems, simplifications are necessary. But we need to justify our simplifications anyway.
11 We would notice that also as the complexity of our cognition is increased, it increases the complexity of the society, stimulating the individuals to increase their complexity as well. It can be seen as a self-reinforcing process or as a positive feedback loop.
12 Not that it cannot be done, but then the complexity of the individual would need to be similar to the complexity of a culture... which for humans, seems not to be the case.
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