Olivier Barreteau and others (2003)
Our Companion Modelling Approach
Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation
vol. 6, no. 1
To cite articles published in the Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation, please reference the above information and include paragraph numbers if necessary
Received: 8-Mar-2003 Published: 31-Mar-2003
Martine Antona (economist CIRAD),
Patrick d'Aquino (geographer CIRAD),
Sigrid Aubert (jurist CIRAD),
Olivier Barreteau (water scientist Cemagref),
Stanislas Boissau (sociologist CIRAD),
François Bousquet (modeller CIRAD),
William's Daré (sociologist Cemagref)
Michel Etienne (plant ecologist INRA),
Christophe Le Page (modeller CIRAD),
Raphaël Mathevet (animal ecologist Tour du Valat),
Guy Trébuil (agronomist CIRAD),
Jacques Weber (economist IFB).
2 Here, from verbal diagnosis to computer models, all possible types of dialogues between the researcher and the stakeholder are considered as, more or less formal, participatory modelling processes. As a matter of fact, in all cases, a representation is built, shared, and made formal in a particular way: "unconscious" modelling (purely verbal participatory diagnoses, expert cognitive representations of the situation, etc.), and more explicits models (maps, information systems, computer models, etc.).
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