Javier Pajares, Adolfo López and Cesáreo Hernández (2003)
Industry as an Organisation of Agents: Innovation and R&D Management
Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation
vol. 6, no. 2
To cite articles published in the Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation, please reference the above information and include paragraph numbers if necessary
Received: 30-Sep-2002 Accepted: 16-Feb-2003 Published: 31-Mar-2003
Figure 1. Model structure and agents |
Table 1. Interactions among agents in the model |
Figure 2. Representation of the process that leads to successful innovation |
Table 2. This rule determines which technology will be the successful one |
Table 3. Endorsement scheme |
Table 4. Rule that implements the decision to leave the market |
Figure 3. Stylised facts in industry life cycle dynamics |
Figure 4. 1st Scenario. Evolution of the number of firms in the industry |
Figure 5. 1st Scenario. Herfindahl equivalent numbers. Lower numbers imply higher concentration levels |
Figure 6. 1st Scenario. Market share evolution for major companies |
Figure 7. 2nd Scenario. Herfindahl equivalent number |
Figure 8. 2nd Scenario. Market shares |
Figure 9. 2nd Scenario. Industry average product R&D expenditure reaches a maximun as firm learn |
Figure 10. 2nd. Scenario. Industry average process R&D investmen |
Figure 11. 3rd Scenario. Industry average process R&D investment |
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