Yuya Sasaki and Paul Box (2003)
Agent-Based Verification of von Thünen's Location Theory
Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation
vol. 6, no. 2
To cite articles published in the Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation, please reference the above information and include paragraph numbers if necessary
Received: 17-Jul-2002 Accepted: 16-Feb-2003 Published: 31-Mar-2003
Table 1: Generalized agricultural categories in von Thünen's scheme | ||
I | Intensive Agriculture | Fruits, vegetables, and dairy; products that perish quickly and must be transported immediately to market. |
F | Forestry | Woods, both for construction and firewood. In von Thünen's time these were the primary sources of energy and a daily necessity within the city. |
G | Grain Farming | Grain and staple production. |
L | Livestock | Ranching and animal husbandry for meat, hides, and other non-dairy products. |
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Figure 1. von Thünen's isolated state |
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Figure 2. Cost distributions of commodity with and without transportation included |
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(1) |
where QSf(Pi) is the cumulative quantity on the supply curve on Pi and QCDf(Pi) is quantity of the cost distribution Pi. This is more appropriate for our study than the standard theoretical method of calculating supply, where one calculates the marginal cost curves for all individuals in the population and adds them together. For computational efficiency, we are considering the state as an individual producer, and approximating the supply curve this way for reasons that should become apparent in section 3.3.
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Figure 3. Conditions forcing an increase in equilibrium price |
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Figure 4. Increase in cost curve causing increasing equilibrium price. Feedback results in convex shape of curve at lock-in |
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Figure 5. Conditions forcing a decrease in equilibrium price |
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Figure 6. feedback from individual agents causing lock-in of price |
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Figure 7. Lock-in of prices represented in time and space |
Table 2: Objects defined in this simulation |
Economic Agent: these are families who are farming or could be farmers. They make decisions to settle and farm in different areas depending on market conditions and their own economic state. They have the following properties: Market: an object which collects production and demand statistics from all of the economic agents, and synthesizes this information into reports of equilibrium prices for each agricultural type. The market has the following properties: Supply and demand curve graphs for each agricultural product iLandscape: two-dimensional raster world in which economic agents live. Each raster cell is occupied by a cell object; the landscape is effectively a 2d collection of cell objects. Each cell object has the following properties: Position (x, y) (does not change through simulation) |
Table 3: Initial parameters for simulation | ||
variable | value | description |
worldXSize | 100 | size of world |
worldYSize | 100 | |
initNumFamily | 15000 | number of families in world |
maxNumFamily | 150 | Maximum number of families in a cell |
avgFamily | 5 | average family size |
stdvFamily | 1 | Std.dev. of family size |
naxArea | 5 | maximum area of plot, in number of cells |
areI | 1 | maximum area occupied by ag type I |
areF | 2 | maximum area occupied by ag type F |
areC | 4 | maximum area occupied by ag type C |
areR | 5 | maximum area occupied by ag type R |
prodI | 1800 | productivity of ag type I |
prodF | 2500 | productivity of ag type F |
prodC | 900 | productivity of ag type C |
prodR | 400 | productivity of ag type R |
initiUnitPriceI | 8 | initial unit price of ag type I |
initiUnitPriceF | 3 | initial unit price of ag type F |
initiUnitPriceC | 5 | initial unit price of ag type C |
initiUnitPriceR | 7 | initial unit price of ag type R |
demandI | 30 | initial demand for ag type I |
demandF | 80 | initial demand for ag type F |
demandC | 80 | initial demand for ag type C |
demandR | 30 | initial demand for ag type R |
perishI | 0.05 | perishability of ag type I |
perishF | 0.01 | perishability of ag type F |
perishC | 0.01 | perishability of ag type C |
perishR | 0.00 | perishability of ag type R |
transportCost | 0.05 | transportation cost per unit distance per unit amount |
cityIncome | 2500 | income for city dwelling families |
minSatisfaction | -5 | minimum level of satisfaction |
resoluteness | 0.01 | resoluteness of families |
Table 4: Relative values for parameters between four agricultural types | |
Productivity | F ≈ I > G > L |
Max Area | L > G > I > F |
Initial Unit Price | I > L < G < F |
Demand | F > G > I ≈ L |
Perishability | I > F ≈ G > L |
if agent is farmer then revenue := marketPrice(i) * productivity(i) * area costs := labor_and_capital(i) + transportation income := revenue - costs else if agent is city_dweller then income := cityIncome end if
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Figure 8. Graphical interface to agent-based model. A: Unit price for each agricultural product (x: time y: price) B: Average distance of agricultural type from city (x: time y: distance) C: Spatial autocorrelation of each agricultural type (x: time y: autocorrelation) D: Total quantity produced of each crop (x: time y: amount) E: Supply and demand graphs for each crop F: Chaos/Order graph G: Spatial representation of model |
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Figure 9. Simulation results for first 100 time steps |
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Figure 10. Simulation results from 1000 to 15,000 time steps |
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Figure 11. Time series of spatial and market trends for a single simulation run of 15,000 steps |
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Figure 12. Correlation between average distance to market and unit price of crops |
Table 5: Correlations of crop prices with distance to markets for 15,000 agents after 15,000 time steps | |||
Coefficient | t | Coeff. Dependency | |
I | .47 | 65.21 | 100% |
F | .70 | 120.04 | 100% |
G | .70 | 120.04 | 100% |
L | .79 | 157.80 | 100% |
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Table 6. Number of observations and average coefficient of variation of city income for each output category |
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Figure 13. The plot of output categories over standard deviation and average city income |
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Table 7. ANOVA table |
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