Claudio Cioffi-Revilla and Nicholas Gotts (2003)
Comparative analysis of agent-based social simulations: GeoSim and FEARLUS models
Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation
vol. 6, no. 4
To cite articles published in the Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation, please reference the above information and include paragraph numbers if necessary
Received: 13-Jul-2003 Accepted: 13-Jul-2003 Published: 31-Oct-2003
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Figure 1. FEARLUS Annual Cycle |
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Figure 2. Spatial relations in GeoSim |
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Figure 3. Physical and social neighborhoods in FEARLUS |
2 Note that this does not prevent, for example, agents in a MABSS model using stored information about earlier times: the contents of the agents' memories of earlier times themselves form part of the model's state.
3 The description of FEARLUS differs in some respects from that given in Polhill et al (2001); this reflects changes to the model made since that paper was written. Polhill (2003), being a user guide, describes the model at the implementation level. Some features of the implementation that have never been used in experiments, and some which are not regarded as part of the structure of the model for the purposes of this paper, are ignored or described only in outline here.
4 A number of terms will be used to refer to elements and aspects of FEARLUS models, some of which could also refer to real-world entities. In FEARLUS model terms, each word begins with an upper-case letter (e.g, "Land Manager"). Each such term is italicised when first used.
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