Javier Pajares, Cesáreo Hernández-Iglesias and Adolfo López-Paredes (2004)
Modelling Learning and R&D in Innovative Environments: a Cognitive Multi-Agent Approach
Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation
vol. 7, no. 2
To cite articles published in the Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation, reference the above information and include paragraph numbers if necessary
Received: 07-Feb-2004 Accepted: 07-Feb-2004 Published: 31-Mar-2004
Figure 1. Neoclassical and evolutionary methodologies |
Table 1: Endorsement scheme for the restaurant example | |||
Weight | Endorsement | Explanation | Example |
2 | Food | The food is excellent | 22 = 4 |
1 | Price | The restaurant is cheap | 21 = 2 |
Time | You do not have to wait long | ----- | |
-1 | Crowded-Noisy | Too crowded and noisy | -2abs(-2) = -4 |
------------------- | |||
Total endorsement: | 4 + 2 - 4 = 2 | ||
Figure 2. The cognitive multi-agent approach to evolutionary modelling |
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