Maria Fasli (2004)
Formal Systems ∧ Agent-Based Social Simulation = ⊥?
Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation
vol. 7, no. 4
To cite articles published in the Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation, reference the above information and include paragraph numbers if necessary
Received: 16-Dec-2003 Accepted: 05-Jun-2004 Published: 31-Oct-2004
I(i, γ ) ⇒ B(i, γ ) D(i, γ ) ⇒ ¬B(i, ¬ γ )
succeeded( decommit ( si, sj, inevitable ◊ φ ) ) ⇒ (¬ O( si, sj, inevitable ◊ φ ) ∧ done( communicate ( si, sj, MB( si, φ ) ) ) ) ∨ (¬ O( si, sj, inevitable ◊ φ ) ∧ done( communicate( si, sj, ¬ MB( si, optional ◊ φ ) ) ) ∧ done( communicate( si, sj, ¬ O( si, sj, inevitable ◊ φ ) ) ) )
Right( sj, si, ψ ) ∧ MB( sj, ¬ O(si, sj, inevitable ◊ φ ) ) ∧ ¬ MB( sj, φ ) ⇒ optional( MI( sj, optional ◊ ψ ) )
Right( sj, si, ψ ) ∧ MB(sj, ¬ O( si, sj, inevitable ◊ φ )) ∧ ¬ MB(sj, φ ) ⇒ inevitable( MI( sj, inevitable ◊ ψ ) ) U MB( sj, ψ )
Pref(i, φ , ψ ) ⇒ B( i, optional ◊ φ ) ∧ ¬ B( i, optional ◊ ψ )
EPref( si, φ , ψ ) ≡def ∀ i ( i ∈ si) ⇒ Pref( i, φ , ψ )Then a mutual preference among the members of a social agent si is defined as:
MPref( si, φ , ψ ) ≡def EPref( si, φ , ψ ) ∧ MB( si, EPref( si, φ , ψ ) )
SCom( si, sj, φ ) ⇔ O( si, sj, φ ) ∧ Right( sj, si, ψ ) ∧ MI( si, φ ) ∧ MB( {si,sj}, (O( si, sj, φ ) ∧ MI( si, φ ) ∧ Right(sj,si, ψ ) ) )
SCom( si, sj, inevitable ◊ φ ) ⇒ inevitable( SCom( si, sj, inevitable ◊ φ ) U MB( si, φ ))
SCom( si, sj, inevitable ◊ φ ) ⇒ inevitable( SCom( si, sj, inevitable ◊ φ ) U (MB( si, φ ) ∨ ¬ MB(si, optional ◊ φ ) ) )
CCom( si, φ ) ⇔ ∀ i(i ∈ si) ⇒ SCom( i, si, φ ) ∧ MI( si, φ ) ∧ MB( si, MI( si, φ ))
RoleSCom( a, φ ) ∧ In( si, a, r) ⇒ ∃ sj,b In( sj, b, r) ∧ SCom( si, sj, φ ) ∧ ¬ (si = sj)
succeeded( droprole( si, sj, a )) ⇒ (¬ In( si, a, r ) ∧ ¬ SCom( si, sj, φ ) ∧ done( communicate( si, sj, ( ¬ In( si, a, r ) ∧ ¬ SCom( si, sj, inevitable ◊ φ ) ) ) ) ) ∨ (¬ In( si, a, r ) ∧ ¬ SCom( si, sj, φ ) ∧ done( communicate( si, sj, (¬In( si, a, r ) ∧ MB(si, φ ))))) ∨ (¬ In( si, a, r ) ∧ ¬ SCom( si, sj, φ ) ∧ done(communicate( si, sj, ( ¬ In( si, a, r ) ∧ ¬ MB( si, optional ◊ φ ))))An agent may also decide to drop a commitment which is part of its role without dropping the role itself and perhaps accepting that a form of sanction will have to be imposed.
In( J, student, r1 ), In( S, supervisor, r1 ) RoleScom( student, followadvice ) ∧ In( J, student, r1 ) ⇒ In( S, supervisor, r1 ) ∧ SCom( J, S, followadvice )
In( J, player, r2 ), In( A, team, r2 ) RoleScom( player, playgame ) ∧ In( J, player, r2 ) ⇒ In( A, team, r2 ) ∧ SCom( J, A, playgame )
SCom( J, S, writepaper ) ⇔ O( J, S, writepaper ) ∧ I( J, writepaper ) ∧ Right( S, J, inhibitprogress (S , J ) ) ∧ MB( {J,S}, O( J, S, writepaper ) ∧ I( J, writepaper ) ∧ Right( S, J, inhibitprogress( S, J) ) )
SCom( J, A, playgame ) ⇔ O( J, A, playgame ) ∧ I( J, playgame ) ∧ Right( A, J, exclude( A, J) ) ∧ MB({J,A}, O( J, A, playgame ) ∧ I( J, playgame ) ∧ Right( A, J, exclude( A, J ) ) )
Pref( J, writepaper, playgame )
Pref(J, exclude( A, J ), inhibitprogress( S, J ) )
B( J, optional ◊ writepaper ) ∧ ¬ B( J, optional ◊ playgame )
succeeded( decommit( J, A, inevitable ◊ playgame ) ) ⇒ (¬ O( si, sj, inevitable ◊ playgame ) ∧ done( communicate ( si, sj, ¬MB( si, optional ◊ playgame ))) ∧ done( communicate( si, sj, ¬ O( si, sj, inevitable ◊ playgame) ) ) )
CCom( A, wincup ) ⇔ ∀ i(i ∈ A) SCom( i, A, wincup ) ∧ MI( A, wincup ) ∧ MB( A, MI( A, wincup ) )
![]() |
Figure 1. The three levels of operators |
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