MAS-SOC: a Social Simulation Platform Based on Agent-Oriented Programming
Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation
vol. 8, no. 3
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Received: 18-Jun-2005 Accepted: 18-Jun-2005 Published: 30-Jun-2005
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Figure 1. Syntax of AgentSpeak(L). |
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Figure 2. Examples of AgentSpeak(L) plans. |
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Figure 3. An Interpretation Cycle of an AgentSpeak Program (Machado 2002). |
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Figure 4. Jason IDE. |
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Figure 5. Jason "Mind Inspector" Tool. |
The code sample below[4] define an agent-body class named consumer which has five integer attributes, one of them initialised with a random value from 60 to 100. Agents defined in this class are able to execute three types of perception, which will be explained later, and six types of actions. The constructor bellow places the agent in a random cell where the preconditions are true, the cell must not be a shop and may not have a owner already. After the placement, some values are set so that to the agent is defined as the owner of that cell.
In the example above, an action named rest is defined. It has no parameters, but the agent must be on his home cell as defined as a precondition for the action be executed, otherwise the action will fail. If the precondition is satisfied the stamina attribute will receive a random value between 60 and 100 units.
Note that this corresponds to the (default) synchronous simulationmode. An asynchronous mode is also available.
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Figure 6. Top-Ontology. |
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Figure 7. Sample Ontology. |
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Figure 8. MAS-SOC Manager GUI. |
<RESOURCE NAME="product"> <INTEGER NAME = "id"> "SELF" </INTEGER> <INTEGER NAME = "type"> 0 </INTEGER> <INTEGER NAME = "retailer">-1</INTEGER> <INTEGER NAME = "owner">-1</INTEGER> <INTEGER NAME = "price"> 0 </INTEGER> <INTEGER NAME = "quality"> 0 </INTEGER> <INTEGER NAME = "realquality"> 0 </INTEGER> <INTEGER NAME = "created"> 0 </INTEGER> </RESOURCE>
+!refreshBeliefs (NUM) : product(instance(INS),id(ID)) & product(instance(INS),realquality(RQ)) & product(instance(INS),sellquality(SQ)) & RQ >= SQ <- ?product(instance(INS),retailer(IDR)); ?sellerEvaluation(IDR,Ev); .addB(Ev,X,NewEv); -sellerConcept(IDR,Ev); +sellerConcept(IDR,NewEv).
2Available at
3For this reason, a workshop series (held with AAMAS) has recently been created for discussing issues related to multi-agent environments specifically (Weyns 2005).
4Part of the environment definition from the example shown in Section 8.
5Although the list of reactions is the same for all cells, this does not imply they all have the same behaviour at all times, as reactions can have preconditions on the specific state of the individual cells.
6Agents send a message with "true" as its content if they choose to not execute an action in that cycle.
9In fact, this refers to types of agent, as each of these agents definitions may various instances in a simulation.
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